What Causes Brain Fog and How Can You Fix It?

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Millions of people experience brain fog every day. But what causes it and what can you do to overcome it? We’ve all experienced it at one time or another.  That moment when you suffer from a little lapse in mental clarity. We’ve all had moments where we forgot a name, misplaced our keys, had trouble remembering […]

Top 8 Signs Stress May Be Causing Your Hormonal Imbalance

A woman sitting on a dock by a lake meditating

At FDNthrive, we understand what an important part managing stress plays in your overall health. We regularly see how damaging stress is to your hormones. And how it contributes to hormonal imbalance. Long-term, chronic stress is one of the top contributors to all chronic illnesses. Every person faces their own individual challenges that cause stress. […]

Is Stress Causing Your Client’s Hormonal Imbalance?

Along with all of the stressors of everyday life, both men and women are often faced with the physical, mental and emotional effects of hormonal imbalances. The more clients you work with that face these challenges, the more evident it becomes that there is an undoubtedly strong connection between stress and hormones.  It’s no secret […]

How Deep Breathing Reduces Stress

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Throughout our lives we take millions of breaths without thinking about it. But without proper breathing we cannot experience good health. Each of the trillions of cells we’re made of requires a steady supply of oxygen to function properly. Going without it for longer than just a few minutes will result in death!  Most people […]

Helping Clients Understand that Self-Care isn’t Selfish

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There is a message that is prevalent throughout the western world that it is selfish to take time for self-care.  Women particularly feel guilty taking the time necessary to care for and nurture themselves and because of this they often they put themselves last. The result is an increase in stress…and ultimately chronic illness. As […]

Do You Have a Holiday Stress Management Plan Ready for Your Clients?

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It’s hard to believe that November is already here! This year has flown by and the start of the holiday season is just about here! This time of year is always busy for everyone. And with the holiday season comes a lot of additional stress. This means that the clients you are working with will […]