FDN Clinical Correlation

Qigong For Healers

Qigong literally means Energy Cultivation.

The ancient Chinese developed highly effective treatments for chronic illness, psychological imbalances, and traumatic injuries which we are only now beginning to understand.

Qigong literally means Energy Cultivation. The ancient Chinese developed highly effective treatments for chronic illness, psychological imbalances, and traumatic injuries which we are only now beginning to understand. They did this with what was available to them in nature and in their own bodies.

Course Overview

Just a few things you’ll learn in this Advanced Qigong For Healers Course

What's Included....

CEU points for mitochondria course


(like CEUs)

This course is open to the public and you do NOT have to be a graduate of the FDN Program in order to learn more about Qigong For Healers.


Explore the course!

  • Lesson 1 | Qigong Introduction

    Foundations of Qigong and the research behind it.

  • Lesson 2 | Methods

    Learn Qigong best practices.

  • Lesson 3 | Diving Deeper

    Dive into the background information you’ll need for the exercises you’ll learn.

  • Lesson 4 | Phase 1 Aligning

    Learning the exercise that supports the kidneys, bladder, and the adrenals.

  • Lesson 5 | Phase 2 Releasing

    This movement supports the lungs and the colon, and encourages the letting go of limiting emotions, beliefs, and expectations.

  • Lesson 6 | Phase 3 Connecting

    Learning the movement that supports the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. It encourages being grounded and present in the moment.

  • Lesson 7 | Phase 4 Opening

    This movement supports the heart and small intestine. It encourages awareness, warmth, and joy.

  • Lesson 8 | Phase 5 Trusting

    This movement supports the liver and the gallbladder. It encourages vision, faith, and courage.

  • Lesson 9: Flow

    Learn to flow the movements together.

Frequently Asked Questions

The course contains just under an hour of video teaching. So if you watch it from start to finish, that’s how long it would take to complete. If you really want to understand and apply the content, I recommend practicing the content daily until you learn the flow.

No! Anyone qualifies to take this course.

Yes! Unlock a level of wellness you never thought possible! Discover the simple secrets to an improved lifestyle that will leave you feeling energized, revitalized, and restored.
Absolutely! This course will provide you the essential knowledge of Qigong – opening the door for true transformation and life-changing results for your clients.

Hack Your Health

Purchase the FDN Advanced Course Today!