
Master Your Health Coaching Skills, Prepare for the National Board Exam & Advance Your Career.

The *ONLY* private NBHWC approved program designed to help you meet your requirements without needing to purchase additional courses or accumulate 50 health coaching hours on your own.

You're Here Because

You Want To Be The Best Health Coach Possible, So You Can:

Help your clients get *incredible* transformations.

Stand out as an *expert* in the industry.

And set yourself up for a *thriving* health coaching career, all while doing what you love.

Like the go-getter you are, your goal is to become a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).

After all, that is the gold standard in the health coaching industry

BUT, In Order To Qualify For The Board Exam, You Need To Check Off

3 Important Prerequisites:




Don't Know Where to Start?

The great news is that by being here, you’re already on your way to checking off boxes 1 and 2! And we don’t just mean checking boxes for the sake of checking them…

We’re talking about functional health education + expert coaching that will help you guide your clients towards their health goals and fuel your health coaching career.

Imagine how *amazing* it would feel to:

Enhance Your Credibility With Prospective Clients

Hold the TOP Certification in the Industry

Gain Science-Backed Coaching Skills

Feel Confident Putting Your Name Out There

Expand Your Holistic Health Knowledge

Set Yourself Apart & Grow Your Career

This is what’s possible for you!

Your path to becoming a board certified health coach starts here.

If We Haven’t Met Yet…Hello! We’re Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN)

A team of Holistic Health Experts & Educators. Our mission is to educate as many people as possible on how to get well and stay well naturally.

As pioneers in the functional health industry, we know what it takes to achieve success in today’s growing marketplace:

Gold Standard Accreditation

Becoming accredited allows you to stand out amidst a growing number of health coaches, and demonstrates your expertise to future clients. Most importantly, it builds trust with the people you’re here to serve.

Transformative Coaching

Mastering the art & science of coaching is a must for every great health coach. This is about putting your knowledge into action and learning to work with each individual that comes your way. 


Client Results

Ultimately, it all comes down to getting great results for your clients. That’s why you’re here, right? Perfecting your strategies & skills will ensure you get consistent client results & build a strong reputation within the industry. (hello client referrals 👋)

THIS is how you set yourself apart in a rapidly growing marketplace.

Which is why we're so excited to introduce you to...

Health Coach Mastery by FDN

An NBHWC approved program designed to help you get better client results using evidence-based coaching skills, while preparing you for the national board exam.

"I’m telling you – RUN, don’t walk, and sign up for this."

“Thanks to the coaching skills I learned, I’ve already had one client who went from having decades of anxiety, to now, it’s gone. Just from the coaching alone! Dr. Rose is phenomenal. She made it all fun and simple. I’m telling you – RUN, don’t walk, and sign up for this. ”

– Sharon Holand Gelfand, Health Coach

Inside Health Coach Mastery,

You Will:

“This is some of the best education you’ll ever get.

“This is some of the best education you’ll ever get. I truly believe that when done correctly, the skills you learn inside [this program] are an absolute game-changer. I’ve already used them with a lot of clients and it’s unbelievable. Some of the results you get, and the ‘aha’ moments you see, are absolutely things we couldn’t do before.”

– Matt Terry, Health Coach

Peak Inside

Here’s How The Program Works

Health Coach Mastery with Dr. Lori Rose

Dr. Lori Rose, PhD, National Board Certified Holistic Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), Registered Herbalist (AHG), and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P), teaches you everything you need to know for the national board exam with a mixture of on-demand and live coaching sessions.

Five core topics you’ll cover include:

Wellness Wheel: Discover how to guide your clients through a detailed self-assessment of their current health and wellness needs.

Strengths: Learn how to pinpoint your client’s individual strengths & weave those into your health coaching program to build confidence & improve follow-through.

Values: Learn how to determine & leverage your client’s unique value system to create lasting behavioral change & better health outcomes.

Vision: Understand how to uncover your client’s long-term vision of health & life, so you can help keep them focused on what really matters when the going gets tough.

SMART Goals, Barriers, & Accountability: Get clear on how to help your clients set realistic, measurable goals so you can keep them motivated & engaged. You’ll walk away with the necessary skills to get better client results every time.

Personalized Mentorship

In these hour-long 1:1 sessions (3 total), you’ll meet with your assigned FDN mentor where you’ll review your coaching calls with a client. Your mentor will then provide expert guidance and feedback on how to strengthen your coaching skills.

Your third and final session will conclude with a graded Practical Skills Assessment (PSA) that is necessary for the national board exam.

You’ll walk away from each mentorship session being one step closer to board eligibility.

On-Demand Health and Wellness Trainings

Enhance your knowledge with fundamental, on-demand health and wellness modules that cover the NBHWC requirements and move your career forward. This is an incredible opportunity to learn from industry leaders in the functional & holistic health industry.

Foundational Health & Wellness Modules include:

1. Mitochondria: The world is full of stressors that negatively impact our mitochondria, otherwise known as the body’s energy centers. Learn how to identify these daily stressors and educate your clients on how to improve their mitochondrial function.

2. Blood Chemistry: Blood work results that are “normal” by conventional standards does not actually equate to optimal health. Discover different lifestyle strategies that can help you or your client live in a state of true wellness – free from symptoms.

3. Herbal Foundations: Herbal medicine has been used to promote health and healing for centuries. In this module, you’ll explore the power of herbs and how they can function as a safe + effective alternative to help your client reach their goals.

You’ll walk away from each module with a practical understanding of how to apply this knowledge to help your clients overcome specific challenges & build better health.

Download The Full

Health Coach Mastery Curriculum

Want to take a deeper dive into what you’ll learn? Click the button below to access the full curriculum!

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What's Required to

Sit for the National Board Exam?

75 HOURS TOTAL of High-Level Health Coach Training

This is the *ONLY* private program on the market preparing you for the exam without needing to purchase additional courses or accumulate the 50 required coaching hours on your own.

When You Join The Program, You’ll Also Receive:

Private Facebook Group Access

Connect with the FDN team + your peers inside the program, so you can learn from each other between coaching sessions, get tips on how to study for the exam, and receive support.

National Board Exam Study Guides

Get your hands on three comprehensive study guides, including Coaching Theory, Ethics, and Medical Theory, each of which are designed to help you ace the national board exam.

Post-Graduation 1:1 Coaching Session

Value: $200

This 60-minute session provides you with the perfect opportunity to speak with one of our FDN coaches and pick their brain about how to best study for the exam beyond the program.

Post-Graduation Monthly Group Test Prep

Value: $200

Gain an exclusive invite to our monthly zoom call for Health Coaching Mastery graduates where you can get all your questions answered by an FDN coach.

When You Join The Program,
You'll Also Receive:


Private Facebook
Group Access

Connect with the FDN team + your peers inside the program, so you can learn from each other between coaching sessions, get tips on how to study for the exam, and receive support.

National Board Exam
Study Guides

Get your hands on three comprehensive study guides, including Coaching Theory, Ethics, and Medical Theory, each of which are designed to help you ace the national board exam.

Layer_1 (3)

Post-Graduation 1:1
Coaching Session

Value: $200

This 60-minute session provides you with the perfect opportunity to speak with one of our FDN coaches and pick their brain about how to best study for the exam beyond the program.

Post-Graduation Monthly
Group Test Prep

Value: $200

Gain an exclusive invite to our monthly zoom call for Health Coaching Mastery graduates where you can get all your questions answered by an FDN coach.

Join Health Coaching Mastery by FDN

One-Time Payment

$ 4,497


FDN Certification

Get started today for just...



Plus 11 additional monthly payments

Join Health Coaching Mastery by FDN

One-Time Payment

$ 4,997

FDN Certification

Get started today for just...

$ 442

Plus 11 additional monthly payments


Books for Board Exam Success

(VALUE: $149)

When you pay in full, you’ll also receive 3 books that build on the coaching skills you learn inside the program and are recommended for exam success, including:

"I’m going to be sitting for the national board in October and I already have clients ready to go for Health Coaching!”

“All of the modules are incredible. Dr. Rose’s way of presenting material is just impeccable. My favorite course was herbalism. I really wanted to find more of a natural way to do things and the herbalism class was just so enlightening. I’m going to be sitting for the national board in October and I already have clients rearing and ready to go for Health Coaching! FDN has been absolutely pinnacle for me. I’m incredibly grateful.”

Desiree Gambill, Health Coach

You have options when it comes to picking an NBHWC Approved Program.

So you’re probably wondering… why choose FDN?


Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)


You’re here because you want to gain the credibility, confidence, and skills you need to build a successful health coaching career.

And, as pioneers in this industry, we’re confident we can help you get there.

When you claim your spot inside Health Coaching Mastery, we promise to deliver cutting-edge, science-backed education & support.

FDN was built on the mission to educate and inspire better health across the world – and that starts with health coaches like you. We promise to go above and beyond to set you up for success, on exam day, and beyond.

"You’re going to be super successful because you’re going to learn how you can help your clients achieve their desired wellness goals."

“You’re going to learn and practice valuable coaching skills to get you to the next level. You’re going to gain a broader understanding of what prevents or supports your clients in making changes to their health and wellness. And you’re going to be super successful because you’re going to learn how you can help them better achieve their desired wellness goals.”

– Leslie Parran, Health Coach

Meet FDN Founder

Reed Davis

Over 20 years ago, FDN founder, Reed Davis, recognized that most patients with chronic conditions were caught in a frustrating cycle of trial-and-error – desperately searching for answers, but never finding the lasting results they were after.

He spent years working in a wellness center and making observations, until he began to recognize patterns of healing opportunities, giving way to what is now Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN).

Today, FDN has trained over 4,000 practitioners in 50+ countries and helped over 10,000 people get well and stay well naturally. Our values remain rooted in data-driven health, pushing past the status quo, and committing to our path as life-long learners.

Meet Your Teacher

Dr. Lori Rose

Dr. Lori Rose has a PhD in biology. She’s a board certified nutrition professional (CNP), board certified holistic nutrition consultant (BCHN), certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P), board registered herbalist (RH-AHG), and board certified wellness coach (NBC-HWC).

Dr. Lori is also a wife, mom, life-long learner, and beloved teacher of Health Coaching Mastery. She is known for teaching valuable, science-backed content in a way that’s easy to understand and apply.

The insights you gain from her coaching sessions are profound, and will provide you with the skills you need to get better results for your clients – consistently.

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Frequently Asked Questions

YES! All 50 coaching sessions are integrated into the program, so you’re not left hanging trying to complete these on your own after you graduate (as is the case with other NBHWC approved programs).

In addition to completing this course, you’re required to have an associates degree of any kind, OR two years of work experience in any field. You can find out more by visiting the NBHWC website.

No! While we love seeing familiar faces, this program is for anyone who wants to uplevel their skills as a functional health coach and become fully prepared to sit for the NBHWC exam.

Nope. There are no prerequisites other than a desire to become a better health coach! 

The program includes 75 hours of training. However, you can go at your own pace. You have access to the program for 12 full months, giving you plenty of time!

While we can’t ethically guarantee your exam results, we can say that this program was literally designed with the exam in mind. We provide you with the educational requirements you need (& so much more!) in an engaging, easy-to-digest format. 


We care about your success, which is why we:

Offer A Payment Plan

Grant You Year-Long Access

Provide 1:1 Mentorship

Have another question? Send us an email directly at [email protected]

Still wondering if this course is right for you?

If you answer “yes” to one of the following statements, go ahead and enroll today:

Sound like you? Excellent!
All you need to do is pick a path…

One-Time Payment

$ 4,497


FDN Certification

Get started today for just...



Plus 11 additional monthly payments

Sound like you? Excellent!
All you need to do is pick a path…

One-Time Payment

$ 4,997

FDN Certification

Get started today for just...


Plus 11 additional monthly payments