Dealing With Clients Who Struggle to Comply

clients who don't follow protocol

Do your clients struggle to comply? In a perfect world, as a health coach, you would have a base of ideal clients. Clients who are completely committed to their health and willing to do everything needed to improve it. And do it regularly. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. That means there will […]

Managing Your Stress as a Health Coach

managing your stress

As a health coach, you want nothing more than to help others navigate the road back to good health. It’s hard to watch people struggle because they just don’t feel great. And you’ve made a commitment to help your clients make the changes they need to make to get healthy again. A large part of […]

Resources for Understanding Licensing Restrictions in Your State

Licensed practitioners are not alone in helping patients better themselves. Non-licensed practitioners have been and continue to be a growing source of information and support for those who need it. As a non-licensed practitioner, you want to help guide clients to wellness while making sure you follow the regulations put in place to avoid legal […]

Job Opportunities for Health Coaches

jobs for health coaches

What are the job opportunities and outlook for health coaches? Each year more and more individuals are looking for alternate options for health care. And, with a rise in diseases like obesity1 and diabetes2, so it’s no wonder people are turning to health coaches to offer new types of treatment. The Job Market Outlook The […]

Do Health Coaches Need Insurance?

liability insurance health coaches

Do health coaches need insurance? Health coaches can be instrumental when it comes to helping someone adopt a healthier lifestyle. It can be difficult to define the role of a health coach, as they can help with a wide variety of health issues from weight loss and stress reduction to the management of chronic conditions. […]