#331 Functional diagnostics, adrenal fatigue, and more with Reed Davis

We discusses the different aspects of functional diagnostic nutrition and testing, and how these differ from conventional health recommendations and testing ranges. Also how conventional medicine can often overlook a lot of the root causes driving a persons symptoms. We hope you really enjoy this conversation, like we did! Let us know if you have […]
Traditional Nursing Jobs vs. Entrepreneurship: Which is Riskier?

Here Are 3 Major Financial Benefits of Having an Online Wellness Business (+ Other Reasons to Leave). “You’re quitting your job to do WHAT…???” It’s not uncommon for nurses to get some pretty critical responses from family + friends when they finally work up the courage to share that they’re considering leaving behind their traditional […]
Reed Davis: The DRESS Formula: 5 Lifestyle Keys to Unlock Your Body’s Healing Potential

In this episode, Reed Davis introduces us to the DRESS formula, a comprehensive lifestyle approach that forms the cornerstone of his methodology. He delves into the concept of “metabolic chaos” and how it contributes to a wide range of health problems, including autoimmune conditions.
Jobs for Nurses Outside The Hospital – Top Pick For 2024.

Learn How to Leave the Hospital and Start Your Own Online Wellness Practice. Are you feeling a bit burned out by your traditional nursing job? Maybe you’re tired of the demands – commuting to and from the hospital, working long hours, lacking the impact you deserve as a holistic wellness expert. Or, maybe… And here […]
Reed Davis, HHP, CNT, LEHP – How Functional Lab Screenings Impact Health

Reed Davis shares his transformative journey from environmental law to holistic health, revealing how he developed FDN by recognizing critical health patterns while working at a Southern California wellness center. He illustrates the power of FDN with real-life success stories, such as helping a client shed excess weight by identifying an unexpected root cause related […]
Finding Health Thru Functional Diagnostics W/ Reed David

Reed Davis is a certified holistic health practitioner, certified nutritional therapist and founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.