Practitioner Spotlight- Lisa Pomeroy ND, FDN-P, CGP, CMS, RA, AFDNP Member

Practitioner Spotlight Lisa Pomeroy

Lisa Pomeroy has a story that starts like many of us. As young child, at the age of twelve, she started experiencing digestive issues and ulcer like pain. Little did Lisa know, she had multiple infections including H. pylori, half a dozen parasites and worms in her gut!   By age nineteen, Lisa was so […]

Practitioner Spotlight – Damian and Heather Dubé

Practitioner Spotlight Damian and Heather Dubé

Our practitioner spotlight today features Damian and Heather Dube. While in their early ’30s, Damian’s wife Heather was suffering from a number of symptoms that progressed into Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Hashimoto’s, and Systemic Candida. Over 2 years and 10 doctors later, Heather was in the worst health of her life. She eventually had to quit her […]

Practitioner Spotlight- Rika Keck

Practitioner Spotlight Rika Keck

Rika Keck, FDN-P, CMTA, CHEK Practitioner When we asked Rika what she enjoys most about practicing FDN, she said… It makes sense. And it’s exciting to get clients excited about a new paradigm of wellness. Indeed! Rika’s credentials span far and wide. Her wellness experience includes FDN, CMTA, Applied Clinical Nutrition, CHEK level 2 and Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, and Green Medicine Herbal […]

Practitioner Spotlight: Aubrey Thompson

Practitioner Spotlight Aubrey Thompson

Our practitioner spotlight today is on Aubrey Thompson, FDN-P, MS Holistic Nutrition, CMTA. She has experienced her own healing journey and was the very first graduate of the FDN program. Now she is using what she learned to help others on their own healing journey. In my early 20’s I had type II diabetes from a […]

Practitioner Spotlight – Michael Roesslein

Practitioner Spotlight Michael Roesslein

Michael Roesslein, FDN-P, MS Exercise Science & Health Promotion, CHEK Practitioner Like many of us, Michael Roesslein found FDN when he was listening to a Sean Croxton podcast featuring FDN Founder Reed Davis as the guest. It was at that moment that Michael realized his MS program and personal training education lacked a lot of […]

Practitioner Spotlight: Veronica Dowdy

Practitioner Spotlight Veronica Dowdy

Before joining the FDN family, Veronica Dowdy had been a weight loss coach for about five years. But she wanted to do more than just “help people lose weight.” She had some chronic digestive symptoms that numerous doctors couldn’t help with and she knew there had to be an answer. Veronica was right of course. […]