Three Types of Health Coaches


The term Health Coach has a very broad meaning. Here are three of the most popular types of Health Coaching practices.

1. Health Coach – A Health Coach advises and guides clients to achieve health goals through sustainable lifestyle change.

The relationship between a Health Coach and their client is more of a partnership. They assist their clients in setting goals and implementing strategies to help them move towards a healthier way of life.

2. Holistic Health Coach – A Holistic Health Coach addresses both mind and body to bring about health changes in their clients.

Working as a guide toward an overall healthier life, a Holistic Health Coach addresses their client’s nutrition patterns, relationships, physical fitness, spirituality, etc.

3. Wellness Health Coach – A Wellness Health Coach works with clients to achieve a balanced lifestyle, and is not necessarily goal-orientated.

Wellness is a dynamic concept, and does not necessarily require a health goal, such as losing weight, or improving a health issue.

A Wellness Health Coach works with clients to achieve balance with all areas of their lives including physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-being.

No matter which Health Coaching practice you choose, there is no equivalent to the superior training and skills Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®(FDN) training provides.

FDN training will help you to understand the mental/emotional, physiological, bio-chemical and behavioral factors required to improve your client’s overall health and well-being.

That’s why Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) practitioners are the most successful Health Coaches in health and wellness today.

And that’s it for this week’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Vlog of the Week. Isn’t it time you help your clients on a deeper level?

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