Tools of the Trade in the Wellness Space Vs Illness Space

Tools of the Trade in the Wellness Space Vs Illness Space-health coach certification certified health coach health coach jobs Jobs for health coaches health coach jobs remote online health coaches virtual health coach jobs health coach websites health coaching websites websites for health coaches functional nutrition certification

Contrasting the tools of the trade in the wellness and illness spaces, FDN® Practitioners follow well-established principles in uncovering healing opportunities for their Health Coaching clients. Those clients, at the same time, are often under the care of medical doctors for specific conditions and have often received very particular diagnoses and been offered prescription medications […]

5 Ways To Help Clients with Weight Loss

Do you have clients that are frustrated with pounds that just won’t pudge? The majority of Health Coaches have clients with weight loss goals. And if it’s not their main goal, it can often be a secondary one. To lose weight and keep it off, your clients should really be focusing on overall health and […]

Helping Clients with Gut Bugs

Helping Clients with Gut Bugs

Your body is a habitat, a complex ecosystem, housing a vast and expansive myriad of tiny residents. In fact, each of us plays host to a hundred trillion non-human micro-organisms.  They outnumber our human cells 10 to 1. These creatures inhabit our body and live in distinct communities with a variety of different environments.  Some species […]

The 3 Keys to Finding and Enrolling Clients

Imagine you getting your in-person or virtual health coaching business to the point where you are no longer on a never-ending quest for new clients. It’s actually simple and easy.  Clients are showing up at your doorstep eager to be your client.   A Functional Health Coaching business where you get to focus on what […]

Looking Beyond Normal Blood Test Results

How many clients have come to you after running bloodwork with their doctor and being told everything is “normal” when they feel the opposite? Blood tests don’t always tell you the whole story about what is going on with a person’s health. That’s why it’s important to do a functional blood chemistry analysis done by […]

Is Stress Causing Your Client’s Hormonal Imbalance?

Along with all of the stressors of everyday life, both men and women are often faced with the physical, mental and emotional effects of hormonal imbalances. The more clients you work with that face these challenges, the more evident it becomes that there is an undoubtedly strong connection between stress and hormones.  It’s no secret […]