Why Use Functional Labs to Help Your Coaching Clients Get Better

Why Use Functional Lab Tests? FDN Practitioners (FDNs) use data mined from lab reports for several reasons. High-quality, carefully chosen functional lab work and health screenings provide information about our clients that is otherwise unattainable. This information, along with other intelligence gathered through conscientious history taking and motivational interviewing provides the most comprehensive intake possible. […]
Looking Beyond Normal Blood Test Results

How many clients have come to you after running bloodwork with their doctor and being told everything is “normal” when they feel the opposite? Blood tests don’t always tell you the whole story about what is going on with a person’s health. That’s why it’s important to do a functional blood chemistry analysis done by […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Become an FDN Health Detective

Below are 10 reasons why you should become an FDN Health Detective. The FDN Health Coaching and Lab Training Certification course covers all aspects of a functional, lab-based health coaching practice from client on-boarding and intake through creation of all-natural individualized health building program, as well as ongoing health coaching and case management skills. A […]
Do You Have To Be Certified To Be A Health Coach

Do you need a Health Coaching certification to become a Health Coach? The answer is NO; however, many Health Coaches today already have careers in either the health or fitness industry. A variety of healthcare professionals such as nurses, physical therapist, nutritionist, and behavioral psychologist are becoming are becoming Health Coaches to better help their […]
5 Tips on How to Start a Health Coaching Business

Do you have the vision and desire to open your own Health Coaching business? With conscientious planning, good marketing and guidance from people who have been there, you too can start a thriving business. Here are five tips to help get your Health Coaching business off the ground. Write a business plan. A good business […]
Do Health Coaches Make Money?

Do Health Coaches make money? The answer is YES… because Health Coaching career options are unlimited! As a Health Coach, you may start out with the vision of working with clients about nutrition, and making health a priority in their lives. However, somewhere down the road you might want to move away from the traditional […]