- Detective Ev interviews four registered nurses (RNs) who have integrated functional medicine into their practice while acknowledging the validity of both traditional and alternative approaches.
- The guests share personal stories and their journey towards functional wellness.
Tina Weiss
- At the age of 12, Tina Weiss was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She underwent surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and lost her hair as a result.
- She became a cancer survivor but was prescribed penicillin for the rest of her life, which later had negative effects on her health. She continued with her lifestyle without realizing the importance of keeping her body stress-free and her immune system strong. Discovered functional wellness and learned to identify and address the stressors in her body. No longer relies on medications such as Xanax for anxiety, Ambien for sleep, and no longer suffers from daily migraines.
- She emphasizes the transformative power of functional wellness and is grateful for the positive changes in her life.
Kristy Roderick
- Kristy Roderick worked as a rehabilitation nurse for almost 10 years, witnessing the suffering of chronically ill patients and feeling that there were better ways to address their needs.
- Embarked on a journey to provoke change within the Western medicine model, realizing that she needed to find a better way for her own health as well. Experienced various issues related to chronic stress, including digestive problems, anxiety, and depression, and sought conventional means for answers. Medications she was prescribed, such as antidepressants and stimulants, worsened her condition and led her to a dark place in her healthcare journey.
- Determined to regain her health, Kristy explored functional medicine and made a commitment to navigate her way back to wellness.
Sabrina Bailey
- Sabrina Bailey’s children developed neurological tics at the age of five, with her son eventually growing out of them, while her daughter’s condition worsened.
- Her daughter experienced additional challenges, including sensory issues, anxiety, and depression. Sabrina felt helpless and unsure about what to do. Following a stressful night, she reached out to FDNP (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner) Piper Gibson and enrolled in her program. Within a month of going through Piper’s program, Sabrina witnessed a dramatic improvement in her daughter’s health.
- Sabrina shared her experience with her close friends, who were also interested in holistic remedies, and the group decided to embark on their functional wellness journey together.
Emily Horton
- Emily Horton’s journey began as an anthropology enthusiast before transitioning into the field of nursing and eventually discovering Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN).
- Similar to Sabrina, Emily’s children faced neurological challenges, including tics. Her son suffered from severe eczema, childhood asthma, and chronic ear infections, leading to numerous medical consultations and antibiotic treatments. Frustrated by the lack of solutions from doctors, Emily decided to take matters into her own hands and explore holistic functional wellness.
- Having studied alongside Sabrina in nursing school, and with their children facing similar issues, they both realized that this was the path they were meant to follow.
Divine Connections
- Detective Ev highlights the remarkable synchronicity among the group members. They all attended nursing school together, had children around the same time, and faced health issues simultaneously.
- The common desire for more answers and a holistic approach prompted them to dive deeper into functional medicine and take charge of their own health.
- The bond and support they found in one another became an essential part of their personal and professional journeys.
Friends and Pioneers
The group acknowledges the support they provide each other, recognizing that the health journey is not easy, but having a strong community makes a significant difference. They agree that FDN offers a balance of science and practical application, appealing to those who desire a deep understanding of the science behind functional medicine. Obviously, they believe that collective collaboration brings different perspectives and expertise to find the best protocols for each client.
These four nurses/friends constantly explore new tests and expand their knowledge to offer more comprehensive solutions. They highlight the importance of isolating each person’s skill set, trusting each other’s abilities, and allowing everyone to play to their strengths. Also, they value constructive criticism and open dialogue when discussing cases, as it helps them learn and grow from each other’s experiences.
All four friends emphasize the potential to add their nursing expertise and knowledge to the FDN methodology, creating a comprehensive approach to client care. They acknowledge that their practice is relatively new and unique in their community, but they find excitement in being pioneers and offering something different. These ladies focus on their role as FDNs to educate and collaborate with other professionals to provide the best possible care for their clients.
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