[00:00:00] Detective Ev: Hey, what is going on my friends? Welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, AKA Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show where we are talking to Ryan Mihalkoviz about his mystery symptoms while in college.
I hope I got that last name right my friend. This is someone that, we only met each other via the podcast. He is an FDN graduate, but I never actually got to hear his last name pronounced. When I was about to record this, I’m like, shoot. So, I looked up on YouTube, how to pronounce the name and hopefully I got it correct. I take that stuff very seriously.

Ryan is a kind of cool case on this show because, one, he’s been listening forever. I thought that was great. He’s heard a ton of these episodes. It’s fun to have it full circle then where he’s gotten to listen before and now able to share his story to help other people today. But also interestingly, is Ryan is an under 30, male, FDN grad, which apparently is like the rarest thing in the world. It’s just nice to meet someone else that is also a dude in the same age range, and actually cares about the health stuff.
I feel like it is, I’m speaking to the ladies out there for sure, when they know how hard it is to get their husband or spouse or whoever involved in the health stuff. Then it’s definitely harder when we’re like young and we don’t really care about these things. But Ryan, like myself was kind of put in a position where we couldn’t really ignore the health thing anymore.
The First Wave of Mystery Symptoms
We had to do something about it, and he was actually a baseball player at Pace University. He was doing really good. He was an athlete kicking butt, really with what he was doing in sports. However, he started to get these mystery symptoms, did not know anything about it. In fact, most of his life, he had felt really good.
So, there’s pros and cons to this. Obviously, we don’t want to feel bad our whole life. But sometimes when we kind of grow up with something, we don’t really think about it in the same way that someone who gets it out of nowhere might think about it. You know, you learn to live with it a little bit. It becomes kind of normal. That can have its own downsides.
But with him, since he felt pretty good most of the time and all of a sudden got these symptoms, at first, he kind of wrote it off as maybe, not a huge deal. Maybe it was from the traveling. He got it first time when they were coming off a bus, it was a trip to get to a place to play baseball.

In his head it literally was something to do with the bus, just because he had no idea how to connect this to anything else. Well, like most of us who have been through these health challenges, that was just the first wave of what would be a pretty long journey with these things. It went on for several years.
More Mystery Symptoms Let to FDN and Helping Others
He had to go to different doctors, went through what we call the cycle of trial and error for sure. Which is just trying different things, searching for a diagnosis, trying to find something that works. He eventually did. When he got this diagnosis, which was accurate, it did finally make sense after all these years. It was just a symptom; it wasn’t a real diagnosis in a sense.

Certainly, Western medicine was not going to be able to help him get to where he wanted to be, which was, I don’t have this anymore, I don’t deal with this anymore. So, Ryan started this whole journey. He was very skeptical of functional medicine and natural stuff before. But a run in with some mold toxicity actually led him to a person who helped him tremendously get to the bottom of these things. Then that led to him pursuing the FDN course and wanting to help other people with this.
Ryan right now is still actively an accountant, and he does FDN part-time. What was really cool is I asked him at the end, and you’ll hear this. There’s certain people, their tone is just so genuine and authentic, and you know that they’re being real with what they’re saying. I don’t think this guy has a bone in his body that is interested in making money. I mean, we all have to do that, but that’s not his focus at all. He is just genuinely interested in taking on the right people for him, people that mesh with his personality or relate to his story and helping them over time. Just letting the process of the FDN business flow naturally.
Using Mystery Symptoms Experience in a Laid-back Business

That’s fine. That’s completely cool. There’s some people that hit this so hard that they got like 10 clients lined up before they even graduate the course getting ready to run labs. For certain people, depending on the situation, that can be the right thing to do. But it’s pretty cool to hear the opposite. Someone that just wants to take on the perfect people at the right time and let this happen organically. Not in any rush just truly here to help other people.
I think you guys will really enjoy this interview. Without further ado, let’s get to it.
All right. Hey there, Ryan. Thanks so much for being here with us today, man.
[00:04:12] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Hey thanks. I’m really excited to talk with you today.
[00:04:14] Detective Ev: Well, likewise, because this is a rare occurrence. Not only do Ryan and I, we just discovered this part, live in a relatively close vicinity to each other, because there’s FDNs in 50 countries around the world. So, if you can find someone that’s even within like two hours away, that’s pretty cool. He’s like an hour and a half away, kind of near the Jersey shore.
That’s an area, not exactly there, Ryan, but where my family vacations. That’s where we go. We go to Wildwood typically. I always joke about Wildwood. We like the fact that I could go see a million-dollar home during the day and then watch a street fight at night. You know, we like both things at the same time.
Mystery Symptoms After a Long Bus Ride
[00:04:44] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah. You get a little bit of everything there, no doubt about it. Over here in seaside, you get a little bit of that too though. It’s kind of everywhere.
[00:04:49] Detective Ev: You gotta have both right.
Then in addition to that, Ryan and I are only like a year and a half, two years apart in age, which is really cool. There’s not nearly enough 20- to 30-year-old somethings within FDN, let alone males. It’s particularly rare that I find a younger male in this. So, I find that really cool.
And I’m excited to dive more into your story today. When you reached out, I mean, I know a little bit about it, but I don’t know the full thing. So, I want to just start with the same way that we always start on this podcast. That’s, when did your health symptoms start and what did they look?

[00:05:20] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, so it’s crazy. I can kind of remember it just like it was yesterday too. When I really started noticing things it was about, I guess, 2014 playing baseball for Pace University. We had a drive down to Cary, North Carolina. It was a bit of a bus ride to say the least, you know, like 15 hours, something like that. So, it’s a long day, long bus ride. But I just noticed on the way down there, I’m like, ah, man, I’m a little more tired than I typically am. But you know, nothing too crazy, whatever. It’s just, long day. We’ll get to the hotel, sleep it off. It’ll be all good.
Mystery Symptoms Get Worse

So, we go up to the room, go to bed. Everything’s kind of normal for the most part, other than that fatigue. Then that morning when I woke up, something had changed. I was a little off balance. The energy was just shot to where I had never experienced that kind of before. My legs were lethargic, they felt heavy. The room was spinning a little bit.
All these symptoms kind of just hit me all at once. I’m like, wow, this is very strange, but okay. It must have been that bus ride. I don’t know what else it could have been. Literally couldn’t have been anything else other than that bus ride. Really that was the first time I really noticed those symptoms. But I guess, you know, kind of looking back they were definitely there. I just never noticed them.
[00:06:30] Detective Ev: Got it.
I gotta ask with the Pace University thing. I’m not an idiot, I understand colleges are big. But my one friend is probably the biggest personality I’ve ever met. He’s like one of my best friends, his name’s Casey Clodney. Do you know him by any chance?
Ryan Mihalkoviz: I do not.
Detective Ev: Okay.
Ryan Mihalkoviz: Did he go to Pace?
Detective Ev: He did and similar age range. I mean, this guy’s kind of hard to miss.
[00:06:46] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I wonder. So, we have two campuses. One’s in New York City and one’s in Westchester County, kind of up north a little bit.
Detective Ev: Oh, he was in New York City, yeah.
Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah. Okay. I was in the Westchester County campus.
Resting While Mystery Symptoms Intensify
[00:06:55] Detective Ev: This makes so much more sense, cause I was very confused as to where the baseball team was. I’ve been to his school, I’m like, okay, where is there a field here? That makes a little more sense.
Now for someone that maybe didn’t have these experiences when you’re younger, it’s not happening at like four or five years old. Is there some fear going through your head right now? Cause that sounds scary to be dealing with those symptoms in general, let alone, first time out of nowhere, just kind of smacks you.
[00:07:18] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I mean, I was confused at first. I was like, all right, maybe I’m just doing a little bit too much. I just tried to take a little bit more of a break here and there. Why we went to North Carolina for our spring training game was beyond me cause it ended up like hailing, sleeting. We got like maybe one game in, and we were supposed to play like 15. So, it kind of saved me a little bit.

I didn’t end up having to pitch or anything like that. But it actually kind of trickled and just kept getting worse and worse. I’m like this doesn’t really make sense. I’m resting, but I’m getting worse. I just kept scratching my head. I’m like, all right, well, you know, maybe things will just get better.
Mystery Symptoms – Dizziness, Fatigue, Brain Fog
Maybe it’s allergies, something like that. Once I get back to Pace, I’ll get back into my routine, things will get better. It was pretty crazy cause the night we got back to Pace, we unload our bags and everything. Then all of a sudden, I went into this crazy dizzy spell where literally the entire room was spinning.
I’m like, oh my God. I was telling my roommate, Dude, I don’t feel good at all. He had me lay down. It just kept spinning for hours, really, almost like you have that hangover feeling after a long night or something like that. That’s what it felt like. I’m like, this makes no sense. I haven’t drank or done anything out of the ordinary that I can think of. So, it was definitely getting scarier as time had gone on.
[00:08:27] Detective Ev: Okay. Just to be clear from my understanding, these symptoms are kind of coming out of nowhere. When you say progressively worse, they were getting progressively worse the entire time you guys were down in North Carolina.

[00:08:36] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, exactly. Just more fatigue, more brain fog, at least what I know is brain fog now. I just had no idea what was going on with my body really. It was scary.
[00:08:43] Detective Ev: At what point do we do something about this? Did you go to a doctor right away or the emergency room? I could understand that in this situation, like where did you end up going?
Trying to Push Through the Mystery Symptoms
[00:08:51] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I don’t know. I was one of those people that, you just gotta push through it. Eventually it will get better. It definitely wasn’t the best mentality; it’s just how I thought back then. It’s crazy to think how I thought back then compared to now. So, I did, I just kept trying to go on with the rest of my life.

I just kept trying to do my two-day workouts, then go to baseball practice, then hours of classwork and studying, all that stuff. As I’m sure you know, things just got worse and worse to the point where I would literally be walking up a flight of stairs and I would be out of breath. I would be profusely sweating. Get back to my room and literally have to take like a two-hour nap.
And I was in great shape at this point. This was the best shape I’d ever been in my life, physically, strong wise, being able to run miles super easily, before all these symptoms had happened. So, I knew at that point, something was wrong. Finally, I went to our trainers at Pace, and they got me to a local doctor. That’s kind of where I just kept getting pushed around from doctor-to-doctor cause they didn’t know what was wrong. I did run into some really great doctors, and I also ran into some not-so-great ones.
Going Through the Cycle of Trial and Error with Mystery Symptoms
Super grateful for the ones that actually spent some extra time with me. I was 19 years old at the time and I’m coming in with all these just crazy symptoms that you just don’t hear about. So, some of them really took an interest in me and they wanted to get me better. Especially my neurologist that I used for a long time up in New York. He spent hours with me. Very grateful for him.
[00:10:11] Detective Ev: You know, most are trying to do their best and be helpful. We always specify that on this show. I mean, this is certainly not an anti-Western medicine podcast. But what ends up happening though is universally, every single person that’s been on this show, Western medicine is not equipped to deal with the things that people like us deal with.
That’s not really anyone’s fault. I think a little more effort can be put in but it’s not the doctor’s fault, it’s not the pharmaceutical rep’s fault. It’s bigger than that. That’s why we do things like this and share this.

For those maybe new to the world of FDN, I gotta note something really quick. What you described is what Reed Davis, the founder, always calls the cycle of trial and error. We know something’s wrong. We can feel these symptoms or one symptom for some people. I’m going to go try things. Oh, wait, that didn’t work. Now I’m going to a different doctor, a different doctor.
Did you get any diagnoses during this time from these doctors? Even if they were incorrect, I’m just curious.
From Mystery Symptoms to POTS Diagnosis
[00:10:58] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Nothing, at first. Once I started going from doctor to doctor, I had to put everything else on hold. I was basically going to class and that’s all the amount of energy I had. I had to quit baseball. It was really tough, mentally. It was super tough, and I just became a professional patient, honestly, for a year almost. I spent the entire rest of that semester, the rest of that summer just going to doctors, trying different tests and remedies and really nothing.
They did tilt table tests, they did spinal taps on me, the whole workup. Really, other than like some inflammatory markers coming up, nothing that they were like, oh my God, something’s really wrong with you. Which, it’s great to know that I didn’t have the cancer and heart disease or anything like super serious acute at the time.
But no, it really took them about a year to finally get something. I was sent to a doctor at NYU who kind of specializes in neurology. He finally did a legitimate tilt table test on me. That test really showed when I would go from the laying down to standing position, my heart rate would just skyrocket, and my blood pressure would drop. That’s why I would really get that like faint, pass out feeling. That’s why I would typically have to lay down a lot and couldn’t be upright for too, too long.

That’s when they diagnosed me with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), which I think a lot of people do get diagnosed with that. From my understanding, it’s really just a symptom. It’s not necessarily the root cause as we know of everything. From there they gave me just a heart medication, a beta blocker.

Mystery Symptoms, A Diagnosis, A Medication, Validation
At the time, I was like, yes, finally they know what’s wrong with me. I’m not crazy all this time. Cause you know, I would hear all the time, you look so healthy. How could something be wrong with you?
I’m like, I get it. I totally get it. Like I’m not out of shape. I wouldn’t look like a sick person. Like I don’t have a broken arm or anything like that, but it was all internal. It was so hard to describe to people, even my own parents. They tried so hard to understand and they were the best support system ever.
If I didn’t have them, I don’t think you and I would be talking today to be completely honest. My parents did any and everything for me, so I’m super grateful to have them. But it was mentally, physically, emotionally, just so draining. That entire year was just, crazy. It was a whirlwind.
[00:13:05] Detective Ev: I think it’s interesting that you mentioned about that diagnosis is really just a symptom. The first time I ever heard about POTS was not in the world of Western medicine or from a family member, it was in the world of functional medicine.
There are certain conditions, symptoms, diagnoses, diseases, whatever we want to call these things, that show up consistently in our world. They can get diagnosed by Western medicine sometimes, but you’ll see them over and over again in the functional side. Basically, all Western medicine was able to do is tell you what it was in terms of their understanding. Then we have to come actually resolve the issue if we ever want a chance at that.
From Mystery Symptoms to Miserable and Missing Out
Just because you went to this doctor, you got the diagnosis and you got on this medication, it doesn’t automatically mean, and you know where I’m going with this cause you’ve listened to the podcast, it doesn’t automatically mean that you turn into a natural functional guy. In fact, that’s not the route that most people take.
Like you just said, it was validating. It was empowering for a little while getting that medication and thinking, I’m not crazy. There is something wrong with me. We finally got it figured out, here we go.
When does the time come that Ryan transitions from being on this medication for the heart stuff, the beta blocker, and then saying, wait a second, I want to maybe go do something more about that or was that instant? Like, did you immediately jump into this stuff?
[00:14:12] Ryan Mihalkoviz: No, and honestly, I was on that beta blocker for a while because, mentally, it really helped me out a lot. It gave me that little bit more of either energy or confidence, whatever, to get through the rest of college. I didn’t want to mess with the rest of college that I had, just because I had lost so much. I’m like, I’m in my best quote/unquote “best time of your life.”

You’re supposed to be enjoying yourself and I was miserable. I was sitting in my room; everybody was outside having fun. I’m like, I literally can’t do anything. So super tough. I stayed on the beta blocker. It helped a little bit. I had to push through pretty much every day for the most part, it was a grind.
From Mystery Symptoms to Hip Surgery and Another Whirlwind
But I was able to get back to baseball. I was back in school doing very well. So, things were starting to normalize. I’m like, I don’t want to lose this sense of normalcy anymore. I finally just got it back. So, I just kind of stayed the route. I listened to the doctors. I’m like, they know exactly what they’re doing.

I just kind of stayed the route until then I had a hip surgery my junior year. Then I was out again and kind of the whirlwind from there. But it really was about maybe three years ago when I really started getting into the holistic side of things. It wasn’t all that long ago.
[00:15:23] Detective Ev: What’s the first introduction to that? Is this a family member or is it chance, luck with a book? I’m always fascinated by the ways that people find this stuff. Sometimes it is just luck.
[00:15:31] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Really what did it for me, I had moved after college, this was like 2017ish. I had moved into an apartment with my buddy, my roommate from college. We wanted to just have a place of our own in the Westchester County area, cause that’s where we went to school and were working and such. It’s super expensive so we took the worst apartment you could possibly get. It’s just what we had to do. We weren’t making much money; it is what it is.
From Mystery Symptoms to Toxic Mold Exposure and Terrible Health
But it ended up that there was some toxic mold in that place. That’s really where my health went from not great, but to absolutely terrible. I was in that apartment for about seven, eight months and progressively was getting (cause I was pretty stable up to this point, able to live normal life for the most part), but it just started that spiral downhill again, started to happen.
I was going to the hospital like every other week it seemed like. My heart was just racing out of my chest. Again, I couldn’t think, had zero energy. I was like, oh, maybe it’s just something in the air, something I’m eating, maybe. So, I started thinking a little bit more along, like things I’m putting in my body but not anywhere I needed to be.

It ended up there was mold in that place and it absolutely knocked me out. I ended up having to leave my job I was working at, I had to go on leave. I had to move back with my parents. Lived with them for about two and a half months until that’s when I finally found a holistic medicine doctor that changed my life and my view on everything.
Key Factors That Led to a Holistic Mindset
[00:16:53] Detective Ev: I don’t mean to keep asking the same question, but I’m just obsessed with this. I find it interesting, cause I want to be able to provide this experience for people faster, so they don’t have to go through years of this stuff. The holistic doctor though, because there’s still a jump there, did you hear about holistic medicine from someone or did someone recommend it to you? I mean, how do you get in that office? Are you just searching online for these symptoms, and someone comes up eventually? Do you understand what I’m saying?
Cause like not everyone’s going to jump that route. Some people will look at those individuals as quacks and they would never even consider it.
[00:17:21] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I’m not going to lie. I definitely looked at those people as quacks for a long-time cause that’s just what I’ve heard. You know, it’s just, it’s voodoo medicine. Why would I go into that route?
We’re always taught Western medicine is the pinnacle. Why wouldn’t I go that route? They are the smartest people, don’t get me wrong at all. I’m definitely not bashing them at all, but why would I even consider this holistic route? It doesn’t make sense.

So really, I had been getting into a lot of podcasts and kind of getting into the biohacking field, actually, I think is what propelled me into the holistic field. There was definitely some other key factors too but reading the one book Game Changers by Dave Asprey, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of him or read that book at all. But that was just like mind blowing. I’m like, wow, this is an absolutely amazing field.
An Invitation to a Breakthrough Conversation
I started making some lifestyle changes there. That really kind of got me into it. But then once I was at home and I couldn’t get off the couch, man. I literally, I kid you not, tried to go for a walk around the little block that we were on, not even like 0.2 mile or anything like that. It was super small. I couldn’t even do that. I was out of breath. I was literally about to pass out. I couldn’t do anything.
I was literally bedridden for two and a half months thinking that there was a good chance I was going to die, very likely. It was the worst two months of my life by far. Again, super grateful that I had my parents there every step of the way, I would not be here without them.
But what really got me to the holistic doctor, and I was a super stubborn person, maybe I am a little bit still, but I was under the impression if doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, nobody has any idea what I’m going through. So why would I talk to anybody else about this? Because they just have no idea.

Some lady at work had found out what I was kind of going through. She got into contact with me and she’s like, hey, my daughter has a very similar story, very similar symptoms. Give her a call, just talk to her. I did, I put it off for too long, way longer than I should have. But I finally got to the breaking point. I’m like, you know what, I will finally give her a call.
Finding a Functional MD – Like a Divine Calling
So, I talked to her and that was the changing point right there. I was like, wow, she’s literally going through or has gone through everything that I went through to a T, almost. It was kind of crazy, with the mold and POTS and all of that. She had been going to a holistic functional medicine doctor and she said it changed her life. That’s when I started down that rabbit hole of, all right, let me find a functional MD near me to get to where I need to be. I was still very skeptical.
Really what helped me a lot, and this is what I love about FDN too, and what we teach. My holistic doctor, even before I gave him a penny of my money, he spent 45 minutes on the phone with me talking through all my symptoms, my history, even things I can be changing today to help me right now. That was before I gave him a cent of my money.

I’m like, all right. I know insurance won’t cover this, but I truly believe in this guy. I’m glad I did. And he happened to be only like a half hour from me. It was like a divine calling. I’m super grateful for it.
[00:20:11] Detective Ev: You guys have some really interesting people in that area. I’ve been consistently amazed by some of the practitioners I find up there. I can’t remember what practice it is, but there’s an awesome biological dentist, too. Some cool things are going on up there.
But anyway, okay. Thank you for bearing with me as I pried there, because that’s what I was looking for.
Not Treating the Paperwork or the Symptoms
I’m looking for the moment that all of a sudden, we’re able to shift mentally to this idea of even humoring a holistic side. I know people, Ryan, in my own family who took this to the grave without doing stuff like that. I mean, they passed away from the things that they had. It’s not that they’re not smart. It’s not that they’re unwilling to do the work that they need to do. But we get indoctrinated, I think, from such a young age that, yes, this is quackery, this is voodoo medicine, whatever.
I’m sure there’s some of that out there to be very clear. But when we’re talking about functional medicine, let alone FDN, I mean, this is about as science based as it comes. It just makes sense. We’re focusing on lifestyle and we’re using very science-based things.
We’re using the best of Western medicine, which is the ability to actually run lab tests, that’s a Western medicine creation. The naturopathic doctors didn’t make that up. That’s Western medicine that’s pushed that out for us. Then we’re just analyzing it in a slightly different way, a slightly more useful way.

It’s not just a way of looking at people. Okay, you have this disease, we give you a diagnosis and then you get a medication for it. It’s like, let’s figure out what can we actually do with your body and lifestyle to heal this stuff, as opposed to treat the paperwork as Reed always says, or treat the symptoms.
Prescription for as Much Sunlight as Possible
What was the experience like then after that 45-minute call? Clearly you ended up doing it, but like, what were some of the things that you did there and how long did it take to work? I’m not even saying like work in the sense of, oh, you’re a hundred percent cured, but just start feeling better, moving in the right direction.

[00:21:45] Ryan Mihalkoviz: One of the first things he told me was, I want you to get outside as much as possible. I need you to get as much sunlight as you can. And really, I think I had scheduled the appointment with him, like right after that, it was like two days later. But I think I spent those two days in the sun.
I definitely noticed a little bit cause I kind of over do things a little bit. I learned to kind of hone that back a little bit. But just being out in the sun, it did, it helped. Because I was like, all right, well, I’m not feeling good, I’m going to stay inside and rest and eventually get better. But really, I was making myself even sicker just by not getting that sunlight.
Sunlight really is so healing. That first appointment with him and really just after that phone call, it was mind blowing. My whole universe had changed really. It was awesome. It was a lot to take in and I’m so glad that he let me record the entire session, that helped enormously.
Conventional vs. Optimal Reference Ranges
But that first, it was like a two-hour session with him, it was just crazy everything we had gone through, and he hadn’t even done the testing on me yet. He does some in office testing, some metabolic testing there, and he could see some in-real-time things going awry that I kind of felt. Then the blood work as well really confirmed all of that what I was feeling.

He was explaining to me, and that was another huge mind-blowing thing, the difference between what they use in Western medicine for the lab ranges and what holistic, actually getting healthy range. I’m like, why wouldn’t they do this? I was getting so angry. I’m like, it doesn’t make sense why we wouldn’t all be like this, but I get it now.
[00:23:07] Detective Ev: I feel like you and I have, they’re certainly not identical, but very conceptually similar experiences where you even talked about at one point, this silence that came in. If the doctor couldn’t figure it out, why would I talk to anyone about this?
You might have heard me say this in the podcast before, when I dealt with the anxiety and depression and stuff. I went into the doctor for the first time at five years old with my parents. They said, this isn’t something to worry about. Evan’s going to outgrow it.
The Authoritative Voice That Has a Lot of Impact
Now later, we realized it was panic attacks cause I got diagnosed with those. They’re like, well, wait a second. That’s the same symptom he came in here with 10 years ago. But when a doctor says this to you, this is not their fault, but this is where we have to be careful as consumers.
If a doctor is listening, then we have to just be careful of this ourselves. You guys come across as authority figures, people very much respect you. You are super intelligent. You make great money. You have a lot of power in this world. You’re saving people’s lives. When we say something to a client, it has a lot of weight. It has a lot of impact.

When you’re told that it’s in your head, when you’re told you’re going to outgrow it, when you’re told there’s nothing on your labs, that really can mess with us, anyone, psychologically. Men are a little different because we can’t really talk about things. We kind of get that bad end of it. But women get the worst end in my opinion, in the sense that they’re told so commonly that it’s in their head.
Every woman that I interview on this podcast at some point got told, well, since I couldn’t figure it out, it must be in your head. That’s just not the case. If you have a symptom by definition, there is something going on. I think very few times is it actually in the head. I just don’t think it works like that.
Commercial Break – Try the FDN Course for Free
Hey, maybe you’re listening to this podcast thinking, you know what? I don’t think these symptoms are in my head either or in the clients that I work with. Well, that’s great. That’s why we have FDN. And you can now try the course completely for free by going to
We are searching for the things that Western medicine and many other practitioners, even in the functional and natural spaces, do not search for. So, if you know it’s not in your head and you know it’s not in your client’s head, but you can’t figure out the answer, that’s what we are here for. Go to
A Body Under a Culmination of Stressors
I know that you said even on the blood work, you found like these different ranges so there was an explanation. What was his interpretation? I understand that many functional places are not diagnosing anything, they’re more giving a reason. But what was his explanation to why you felt like this and had these symptoms for the last several years?

[00:25:16] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I think it was really just a culmination of all the different stressors I had put my body under looking back at it from this kind of holistic view and things I had done to my body. Really the summer before I felt all of those symptoms I did down in North Carolina, I had gotten a concussion, I’d contracted Lyme’s disease. I had all these different stressors on my body. Then I’m sure I was not eating great whatsoever.
The mold definitely played a huge impact. It was just a culmination, as we know, of all these different stressors I was throwing on my body. Really, it was almost every system was out of whack, pretty much. My detox pathways were not working properly. My thyroid was not working properly, adrenals. Cortisol was through the roof. Just all these different ailments that was going on all at the same time, kind of the perfect storm.
[00:26:04] Detective Ev: It’s an interesting point that you mentioned it was the culmination of all these things, because a question for you. You had a roommate at that apartment with the mold. Did that roommate have any symptoms, or was he fine when he lived there?
Everyone Has a Different Stress Bucket Size
[00:26:13] Ryan Mihalkoviz: This is kind of the crazy part. My roommate that lived with me in that mold place, he was also my roommate in college. So, all these symptoms were happening to me, and nothing was happening to him. He was perfectly healthy for the most part that he knew of.
We went through school and everything and he actually went on to play professional baseball, so he was doing pretty well. He was feeling pretty good. But then halfway through his career or like two or three years later, he started having very similar symptoms as me.
That’s really what made me believe there was definitely something, maybe in the dorms that we were kind of exposed to at one point. Definitely in the apartment we lived in, there was something there as well. He’s kind of dealt with very, not to the extreme I have. I think maybe I got to him a little bit earlier than I had anybody kind of redirect me. But he definitely has very similar symptoms and he’s working through those as we speak still.

It’s crazy how it shows up differently in people. It really is that stress bucket. You know, everybody’s got a different bucket size basically. I think mine just spilled over way sooner because of how I was living my lifestyle. That’s my big thing, I wasn’t the most unhealthy kid. I barely drank in college. I didn’t do drugs or anything like that.
If It’s Stressful on the Body, It’s Stress
But what I did was, I went to the gym two times a day. I was going to baseball practice. I was getting maybe like five hours of sleep. I was eating all of these foods to bulk up. So, I was just nailing my body with tons of different stressors. Maybe not the conventional unhealthy things but overdoing the quote/unquote “healthy things” is also unhealthy. So that balances is key.

[00:27:42] Detective Ev: This is a really good learning opportunity for people that are listening and maybe not FDNs yet. It sounds like maybe it’s not a great idea to be working out that much. But this can do all that stuff. Guys, the body doesn’t care. This is stress, whether you’re late on your taxes or you’re fighting with your spouse all the time, you have a toxic relationship, or you’re beating the heck out of your body, tons of food to bulk up or just excessive routines at the gym.
It’s not identical per se, but it’s just wearing down the body. In today’s world where we have all these extra things on top of us, like the air itself is inherently toxic, okay. We can’t win today. We can only do a little better as we learn more and more.
Stress Breaks the Body Down
After I got in trouble and stuff, I got kicked out of high school, I’m trying to get my life back on track and I got into weightlifting. I got into what I thought was going to be natural body building. I figured this is positive, I’m eating better, all this stuff.

What was crazy, cause I didn’t know anything about this back then, I could not stick to a gym routine for longer than even one month. Never made it past 30 days without getting a cold, getting a stomach bug, just felt terrible all the time. Like, why is this happening? What’s going on?
But I was a guy that, you know, I’m a leaner dude. I need to eat like, 4,000 calories a day as it is just to get past the 175 mark. I was working out on top of it when I hadn’t been doing that prior. Those were stressors on the body, even if in certain circumstances, they could be good things. They could be healthy things cause you want to eat if you’re working out that hard. But my body wasn’t ready for that.
I think what you said about your roommate is also good. The mold thing is huge, and it is affecting people, I’m not denying that for one second. But you’ve probably seen this in our space where some people are getting, in my opinion, a little too honed in on that.
What I’m getting at is not that yours isn’t real or that your roommates isn’t real, but it’s like, look at this. There’s two people living in the same moldy environment, the same even dorms for this long, and one took years to get sick. One got sick right away. Others might not have ever gotten sick.
Mold was the Cherry on Top
I think it’s just important to be aware of this stuff. If we have a client that comes in, yes, we need to know about mold, I get that. But I find some people are acting like this is the only cause of people’s health symptoms in today’s world. It’s like, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s not a holistic approach. It’s really no better than Western medicine in a sense, except you’re finding something that Western medicine, I mean, good luck. They’re never going to look at mold, I don’t think.

[00:29:58] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Usually not. No. It really is a culmination of everything. The mold was really, if you say, the cherry on top.
I had all of these different stressors going on and just that mold piece in there, I mean, mold is deadly, no doubt about it. It can cause tons of different symptoms, ailments and whatnot. But it isn’t the only thing. You have to look at everything. But mold, it definitely is your indoor air environment quality. It’s super important. You know, you’re living in it all day long.
[00:30:23] Detective Ev: Yeah.
So, transitioning a little bit. If you’re doing something like FDN, most likely people are going into that course with the idea that, hey, I would probably like to do this for some part of my career, I want to have this involved in my work in some way.
When did you decide that you actually wanted to go do this or work with this? Because again, it’s one thing to go from Western to holistic. It’s another thing to go from holistic to, I’m going to pursue this, especially with your background. You’re a college graduate, you’re considering baseball at one point.
FDN Was the Full Picture to Helping People
This is a pretty big transition. When did that moment happen where you’re like, I think I want to go do this?
[00:30:54] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah. Really throughout, even in college, when I was dealing with all of these symptoms and, you know, life was kind of miserable for a little while there. I was like, this is not right. This should not happen to anybody our age. Really shouldn’t happen to anybody, but especially someone this young. Like, I just don’t think it’s right, I don’t think it should happen. It shouldn’t take this long for someone to get a diagnosis or anything like that. I always had that mentality.
I always wanted to help people. It was kind of always there once I got sick. I didn’t have this before I got sick. I mean, I always liked helping people, but I wanted to help people through playing baseball. So, it was just a different avenue. But yeah, once I got sick, everything changed for me.
Really, I didn’t actually consider FDN or even find out about FDN till like two years ago. My girlfriend kind of found it for me cause I was like; I need to get into this space. I really wanted to and was considering going back to school. I was going to go the whole college route. You know, get my MD and all of that.
I’m like, man, this is going to be so much money, so much time. I know I can help people right now, there’s no doubt about it. I’m helping friends and family, there’s just no doubt I can be helping people. And the FDN program compared to all the other ones out there was just the full picture.

The FDN Course Challenge
Everything I really wanted and everything I believed in and learned from my holistic doctor, it just seemed like the perfect fit really.
[00:32:09] Detective Ev: I think that’s interesting that you brought up the MD path because I’ve talked to people before and I actually have quote/unquote “convinced” them to go from the MD route or even the naturopathic doctor route to FDN.
It’s not a persuasion thing, I’m not trying to do that for anyone. What we’re getting at here, because you’re bringing this up, is that people want to go do a certain thing. They want to help people get healthy. They think that they need to go do something like the MD or the ND to actually be able to do that.

My question to them always is, you want to work with people, help them with the lifestyle stuff, be able to utilize lab testing, right? They’re like, oh, well, yeah. I’m like, I don’t know that you need to go do eight years or 12 years, whatever it is with the residencies and stuff of college to go do that.
I always challenge them, like the FDN course is approximately eight months for most people. Why don’t you spend the eight months doing that? And if it wasn’t for you, that’s fine. You could still go to college versus spending 12 years doing that route and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars probably to only come back to FDN. We’ve had doctors go through the course. We’ve had countless naturopathic doctors go through the course.
The Dream of Helping People Through an FDN Business
I think many people find that this was exactly what they were looking for anyway. This helps you on the business side. It helps you help people. It’s great to know more, we can always learn that kind of stuff. But I didn’t need to learn how to give prescriptions to people or do any of that to achieve my mission.
I actually don’t know this about you. Are you doing this full time or are you attempting to do it full time? Like where are you at with things?
[00:33:28] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, I definitely think down the road full-time is the goal, no doubt about it. Really, I think what I’ve gone through, I’m able to really communicate with people on a different level of maybe with somebody who hasn’t necessarily gone through it. So, I definitely want to do it full-time. Just slowly getting the business set up and whatnot. I still have a full-time job right now.

I’m an accountant and just kind of working on the business on the side, little by little. Definitely not in a rush or anything like that. I’m at the moment still helping friends and family. That was the main reason kind of to go through FDN. I know I want to do it and help people, and it’d be awesome to make a business out of it. That would be the dream. But just to be able to help, not only myself, but my friends and family around me to get them as healthy as possible, that’s way more than I could ask for. Honestly, that’s the dream.
FDN Students Get to Work on Their Own Health
[00:34:12] Detective Ev: That’s very cool. I like that. You have a very genuine aspect to you. Some people say that, and you know, maybe they think they mean it, but they don’t actually mean it. They just want to make like a ton of money or something. It’s very obvious that you mean these things, when you say it. That’s pretty cool and pretty rare. And it’s kind of nice that you have the accounting background then as well, because that’s going to be so useful for the business side.
Normally at this point I would focus on like, what are some client testimonials and stuff? And I’m sure you do have positive results with family and friends. But I think a better question then for today might be actually, when you went through the course, you were obviously feeling a lot better by then. I’m curious, like what insights did you get from the course at that point? Were you going in with any symptoms or did you feel like a hundred percent again? Then what did you learn from the FDN course?

For those that don’t know, first time listeners, I always forget to repeat this. We do actually allow people; they’re given lab tests to run on themselves while they go through the course. That’s what I’m referring to when I say to Ryan, what did you actually learn and see when you went through the course?
[00:35:07] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, I definitely still had symptoms. Definitely I was in a much better place though.
Working on the Gut Health Piece
That was kind of what I waited a little bit too, because I wanted to be in a place where, one, I could use my brain. Because I was just having ridiculous amounts of brain fog, which to me is one of the most frustrating symptoms out there. I’ll take any other symptom, but brain fog and not being able to use your brain, it’s just so harsh. Once I finally got to that point and I was able to go through the FDN course, yeah, it was awesome.
That’s what I loved about it too. I’m like, I get to do these labs on myself. So, yeah, I definitely found some stuff on the labs that I needed to work on and have been working on. The GI MAP was a big part. That’s something my holistic doctor, again, he was great, but he didn’t cover necessarily everything. We didn’t even look at bugs, you know pathogens, whatnot in the gut. I’m like, this is a piece, no doubt about it and I’m not sure why we didn’t look at this.

That was something I needed to go and eradicate as well with, you know, H. Pylori, Candida, definitely had some things going on there. But as far as health wise, like definitely doing better. Things that I’ve learned through the FDN program, I’ve been implementing in my daily life. Things have just gotten progressively better. Definitely not on the down trend or anything like that. I’m hoping things just keep going up that way. I think that they will.
Working on Gut Health Accelerates the Healing
[00:36:17] Detective Ev: I love that you brought up the GI MAP aspect. For those that don’t know, it’s our stool pathogen test.
We’re able to see worms, we’re able to see bacteria, yeast, parasites, and it is a neglected thing. I try to listen to all these different perspectives of anything in life, but especially the health stuff, cause that’s what we’re passionate about. I hear a lot of people kind of underplaying that. They’re saying, well, if you get healthy enough, it shouldn’t matter.

I actually have seen that work in practice. But the problem is, it takes like years longer for these people that don’t really focus on the gut stuff and just do the lifestyle things. In a sense, I kind of did that myself unintentionally at one point. But when you focus on the gut stuff and incorporate that as part of a holistic program, you can rapidly accelerate someone’s healing. I mean, it’s a night and day difference.
Sure, you could save. Because those are typically the most expensive tests and there’s a lot of supplements that come with them. Out of any test, it’s probably the one that does require the client to spend the most amount of money. Let’s say it was ridiculous, craziest supplements in the world. You got the best supplements that you could make. You spent $1,500 on the test and months and months and months’ worth of supplements. I don’t know how that wouldn’t still be worth it to have an extra two years of your life back feeling better. That just makes sense to me. That sounds like a pretty small investment when you word it that way.
Wanting to Help People Proactively
It doesn’t seem like you’re pushing every single day to make it a full-time thing. It kind of sounds like it’s going to be more of an organic transition.
Have you thought about who you’d like to work with? Maybe what your niche would be when you do start taking more clients from the public?
[00:37:39] Ryan Mihalkoviz: I didn’t really think I would have to have a niche or anything like that, but once I’m starting to get into it, I know that’s just kind of what people go into. So, definitely I want to be able to help everybody and I think that’s all of our end goals. But I know if you try to help everybody, you end up helping nobody in a sense.
But I think we don’t do enough to proactively try to fight these things. Really just trying to get to people before they have ailments. I know it’s super tough, it’s a large task. Because if people are feeling good, why are they going to want to make lifestyle changes? I completely get that.

I guess that’s why I really felt like this story of mine was super important to get out there because I was a healthy kid. I was playing baseball in college. I was doing everything totally fine. I know if I had made some serious lifestyle changes at that point in my life, I would’ve saved so many years, so much grief, so much money, so much time that you can’t get back. I really want to be able to get to people before any of the ailments happen. That’s the dream really.
Connecting to a Completely Different Audience
[00:38:31] Detective Ev: Even after all these episodes, I think you’re still going to be able to very much achieve that because I told you, today’s unique. I don’t know that I’ve ever been talking to someone else on here that’s an FDN and in twenties, as a male. That just, it doesn’t really happen.
I know we had this guy Savi on. He wasn’t an FDN, very sharp guy though. He was in his twenties. Sean Strickland, I believe is in his thirties. So, it just not something really common. I feel like when you get to hear it like this, it resonates a little differently, especially from an athlete.

I mean, my story, even if I can kind of fake it now, I was just a total nerd my entire life. I could not hide that. It was very obvious. Some typical males don’t resonate with that as much. I seem like more typical male now than I did as a kid. Whereas like, yeah, someone playing baseball at a high level too. You know, roommate is going, doing this professionally. That’s a big deal and it connects to a completely different audience that I think gets very neglected in this space.
There’s a reason this space is dominated by mid 40-year-old women. And it’s, one, because they deal with the most symptoms. I think there’s a lot of things that happen at that age. They might have gone through one or more pregnancies, which is a beautiful thing. A little stress on the body, nonetheless. There’s been decades of chemicals on their bodies from makeup, the shampoos, all this stuff that women are kind of suggested to wear or use or whatever it might be. That’s tough.
Talking About It Is the First Step to Healing
Then they’re a little more open to talking about their emotions and stuff. They’re also more likely to deal with autoimmune conditions, so there’s a reason that group is there.
People like us, man, it’s like, if you have a good set of guy friends, at best the look that you get is like, ah, man, I’m so glad you’re feeling better. But they don’t understand this in the way that the world, like FDN does. I have a lot of friends who respect me, but they got no idea what I’m talking about.
[00:40:04] Ryan Mihalkoviz: No completely. You definitely get those weird looks. That’s why I didn’t talk about it for a while, honestly. I would go to events and stuff like that if I could muster up enough energy and such. You know, I’d try to just play it off like nothing’s going on.
But you know, I’m having all this kind of disarray going on inside me and it’s brutal. If you really don’t have anybody to talk to, it’s super tough. But yeah, in the male community, it’s not talked about at all. It really is kind of that mentality of push through any kind of ailment or whatever. Don’t show any type of weakness or anything like that.

Really, I think for me, the weakest part was trying not to get help. When I was being stubborn, not reaching out to my coworker’s daughter. That was me being weak in a sense because I was scared. It’s scary to talk about this stuff. It’s really not the norm at all. But if you can talk about these things, you can really prevent them much easier.
Sharing Your Health Issues is Strong
[00:40:52] Detective Ev: Dude, you nailed it. I love that you say that cause my dad, great guy, but he’s that classic type of male. Very tough, keep pushing no matter what and doesn’t really talk about that type of stuff. He’s gotten a lot better, don’t get me wrong. But that’s kind of what I saw and so I probably embodied that in many ways and tried to mimic that.

That’s the irony, because we think that having the emotions in and of themselves and expressing that we have them, is the weakness. But again, the ironic part is we’re scared to share it. So, what’s actually weak? The sharing of it or the not sharing of it?
That’s literally the exact point I try to make if I’m talking to like an all-guy school or stuff with the mental health speaking. I always make sure they know that. It’s not just some cheesy thing. I’m really glad to hear someone else say this, because what I’m saying is genuine. It’s like, I think they sometimes believe, oh, well, maybe I’m just trying to convince them to talk about mental health.
I’m like, no. If you’re scared to do something and you’re not doing it, if we’re going to call anything weak. I know that you and I don’t mean this so literally. We’re not really calling anyone weak of course. But if we had to compare one to the other, if you’re scared of something that could help you and you’re not doing it, that seems a lot more weak to me than having the strength to be like, hey, this is who I am.
Talking About it More Makes it More Comfortable for Others
This is what I’ve dealt with. This is the things I’ve gone through. If you like it, great. And if you don’t that’s cool. Because yeah, when you start putting yourself out here like this, it can isolate you a little bit. I’m glad that you’re on the other end and once I came on the other end of the health stuff, it was not as isolating.
But it’s still weird being the person that like eats certain ways. For me, there’s certain things I cannot put in my body, not even once a year. I just won’t do that. So, you’re that guy, right? But I like being that guy. It is what it is.

[00:42:16] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, I think this conversation is just getting to more and more people. I think it’s being had more and more often because of things like this podcast. People are hearing it and they’re like, wow, okay. It actually is okay to talk about this. Let’s talk about it more.
I even see the change in my own family where they weren’t talking about this stuff at all, but now they’re questioning things and they’re putting better things in their body. They’re making sure that they have some good air quality and they’re spending time outside and all these things. See it’s awesome to see those little changes.
Once people start feeling good, there’s no better feeling in the world to see somebody actually feeling their best, feeling better, whatever the case is. You can’t really beat it.
Where to Find Ryan Mihalkoviz
[00:42:53] Detective Ev: Just to be clear, since I know that you’re not doing it full time yet, per se. But like, are you taking clients? Is there a place where people can find you if they want to work with you?

[00:43:01] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, definitely. I have a website, You can definitely fill out a free health assessment there. We can talk about some things and get you on a program there.
I also am on Instagram, healing_simplified.
So, two different places. But yeah, I’m just working it very slowly, again, organically. I’m actually working with Piper Gibson a little bit, helping her out with her practice. She’s really been allowing me to get some great insight into how things run behind the scenes, client questions, and whatnot.
So, already the FDN community is amazing. You really can’t beat it. All the resources we have, it’s awesome. It’s well worth everything. I’m super grateful for everybody in it and everything that I’ve learned.
An Amazing Community with FDN
[00:43:42] Detective Ev: I thank you for bringing up the community because I had to like stop bringing it up. I feel like I hype it up so much that people are going to think I’m like a salesperson. I get it. Cause if you’re listening for the first time, you don’t know me and there’s no even internet relationship with it. I’m just hyping up FDN. It’ll be like, okay, of course this guy must get something.
No, this community is amazing. The fact that like you and I, I don’t know when, but inevitably I knew instantly when we started talking, it’s like, yes, I’m grabbing lunch with this guy at some point, this will be fun. We’ll probably get Brianna in there as well. She might be listening to this podcast. Brianna we’re all in the same area, close enough if you’re around.

When you get to talk to people who have been through these experiences and then used it for positive, it’s not like we’re a support group that’s like just talking about the traumas and getting all negative. We’re talking about ideas and goals that we have and how we can help other people. That’s fun, man. That’s a great way to live your life.
Even with all the things that I’ve been through, I can never say that I would change it. Because the tradeoff was I get to spend the rest of my life post pretty much 21 years old, loving every single day, loving what I’m doing, feeling like I have a purpose. I wouldn’t trade the first 20 years to have that because most people are not blessed in that way. It’s a special thing.
FDN is Full of Support and Resources

[00:44:47] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Yeah, it completely is. Literally, any question you have, even when you’re going through the FDN program, you have all these different resources. You have the different live videos and sessions, and your mentors. You have the entire community really. So it is, it really is.
I understand you’re hyping up all the time, but there’s good reason to hype it up. It’s been amazing. It really has been. As soon as really, I joined the AFDNP group, the professionals’ group, the amount of questions that people answer in there in such detail, it’s like, oh my God, these people are literally spending some serious time answering these questions.
You know, they’re just doing it to help other people out. That’s amazing. You really don’t get that in many places. You really don’t. It’s something special.
[00:45:26] Detective Ev: Yeah. It happens in the the course trainee group as well, the Facebook group. Because, you know, we have staffed people in all these places.
Technically, if I’m a trainee, I could ask a question in my group, or if I’m a graduate, I could ask a question in our respective group. And yes, there’s a staffed person that’s an FDN themselves that’s going to answer. But what you just said is so true. Half of the time, the community ends up answering first, like another trainee, that’s already been through that part of the course. Like, oh, here you have to do this.
Business Support and Advanced Health Training
Or the professionals’ group is just a gold mind. Because you have people out there really doing this for work. I mean, Piper Gibson’s a perfect example, that’s not a joke. That woman makes significant income helping a lot of people. I mean that’s real business. When I can go into the professionals’ group and ask about some really rare condition that I’ve never even heard of and get a good answer, or then I could say, hey, I want to hire my first employee, do you have any advice? I could still get a really good answer.

That’s where it’s really special that it’s a mix of good business support but also as advanced health training as one could ask for. I mean, I would trust my life or any symptom that I had with that group. If someone said like, all right, you can’t talk to anyone, but where should we go to get the answers to your health challenges? I’ll be like ask AFDNP and listen to what they say, please.
[00:46:34] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Completely. And you’d get an answer so quick. So, can’t beat it.
[00:46:39] Detective Ev: All right, man, 50 minutes almost. Wow. Kind of flew by. I’m looking forward to getting to meet you.
Health Detective Podcast Signature Question
You already know what I’m going to finish with then, it’s going to be the signature question that we have on this podcast. And that is if I could give you, Ryan, in this case, a magic wand and you could wave it and get every single person in this world to do one thing for their health. what is that one thing you would get them to do?

[00:46:58] Ryan Mihalkoviz: Super tough question, of course. But I really do think, especially because of, maybe I’m a little biased with this, but really just getting your indoor air quality either checked or having that on point. Cause you are, you’re living in it, working in it, your family is in it. You’re sleeping in it. It’s just super important. And you can only go about three minutes without breathing. So, I’d say that’s pretty important. Definitely getting that on point is key.
[00:47:21] Detective Ev: All right, guys, that’ll do it for today’s episode with Ryan Mihalkoviz. I’m actually looking forward to meeting this guy eventually. He lives relatively locally in the Jersey area. I’m in Eastern Pennsylvania, pretty far east, only five minutes from the Jersey border.
It’s not often that you get to do an FDN meet-up. It happens at conferences a lot and FDN has hosted a conference in the past a few times, pre pandemic. It’s always cool when you get to meet someone that is just interested in this stuff. You get to meet someone else who is also the weird one in the family with how they approach health. It always feels cool to meet someone like that.
Now, if you like the information that we’re sharing, please consider leaving us a five-star review on Apple and or Spotify. If you would do that, we’d love you even more than we already do.
I’m looking forward to talking to you guys again soon with another interview. I have some great guests lined up. I know in the month of June we were talking so much about the course because the price was going up. It doesn’t happen often. We needed to focus just on the course itself so people could really realize, okay, who should take this? Who shouldn’t take this? And we had a record month. It was amazing. So many new trainees in the course, just getting ready to start this journey.
But now we’re back to the good stuff. Back to the interviews and hearing how people overcame the trickiest of health challenges. I will see you guys next time. But until then take care.
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