How to Become a Functional Health Coach that Can Guarantee Results for Your Clients


How Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) Trains You to Become a Successful Functional Health Coach

So, you’re interested in becoming a functional health coach.

But, now what?

A great first step is to find a health coaching program that feels right for you!

If you’re anything like us over here at Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), you love to do your research before you make an investment.  

And this is a *highly* important step. 

There are A LOT of health coaching programs on the market. Just google “Functional Health Coaching” and you’ll see the long list of options right there on the first page.

But, you want to choose the one that’s best for *you*. 

So, to help you make an informed decision, we’re giving you a run-down of who we are and how our certification course works. 

We’ll cover:

  • What sets FDN apart from other health coaching programs 
  • The proven framework we teach our students to restore function within the body
  • A breakdown of your roadmap to becoming a successful functional health coach

By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a strong sense of what FDN is all about and how we help our students become some of the best functional health coaches in the industry.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

We’ll cover:

  • What sets FDN apart from other health coaching programs 
  • The proven framework we teach our students to restore function within the body
  • A breakdown of your roadmap to becoming a successful functional health coach

By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a strong sense of what FDN is all about and how we help our students become some of the best functional health coaches in the industry.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

What Makes Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) Different?

Beyond our supportive community and expert mentorship, there are a couple important factors that make us stand out from other health coaching programs:

Functional Lab Testing & Analysis

We believe data-driven protocols are the key to getting better client results, which in turn leads to thriving success as a functional health coach! Inside our certification program, our students receive in-depth education & training on how to *intelligently* leverage functional labs to get real health transformations.

D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success

We teach our students a unique, proven framework to help facilitate healing within the body, no matter what symptoms a person is experiencing. DRESS stands for Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress, and Supplementation, which are the areas we address when creating customized protocols.

We Walk the Talk

We don’t only teach you how to get results for your clients. You get to learn about your own body through functional lab testing and heal yourself FIRST *before* learning how to help others. We believe the best way to achieve success as a health coach is to begin with yourself, and when our students graduate, they completely agree!

Your Journey to Becoming an Expert Functional Health Coach

So, you might be wondering…

How does all of this come together?

What does the training actually look like?

Great question!

The FDN certification course & curriculum is comprehensive and thorough. It’s strategically mapped out to set you up for success in the real world.

Here’s how it works:

Phase 1. Learn the Theory
Phase 2. Gain Practical Experience
Phase 3. Graduate & Transform Lives

Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, the truth is, there’s A LOT of hard work and commitment that goes into it.

But it’s certainly not for nothing.

The reward is that you walk away as an expert functional health coach who is truly prepared to work with clients and launch a successful career.

Now, let’s take a closer look at how this framework breaks down:

Phase 1 | Learn the Theory

You’ll start by working through 15 comprehensive modules, covering:

  • The FDN philosophy & approach 
  • How to run & analyze (6) functional health screening tests
  • How to create customized protocols based on the data

And don’t worry, as you’re working through this content, you will never be left on your own. 

Our program has become known as one of the most “high-touch” health coaching programs on the market. Or, in other words, you get to interact directly with *really* smart people every single week, which makes a big difference in your skill level upon graduation. 

  • Weekly calls with FDN founder, Reed Davis
  • (7) Mentor sessions scattered throughout
  • Unlimited support inside our private Facebook group

This part of the program typically takes students between 4-8 months to complete, depending on how diligent you are!

Once you work through all 15 modules, you’re now ready to put your knowledge into practice.

Phase 2 | Gain Practical Experience

This is where everything comes together. The final module is dedicated to walking you through practical exercises and exams that give you real world practice applying what you’ve learned before you start selling your services as a functional health coach.

This is where you’ll review your own lab results with an expert mentor, giving you a chance to act as the client and see exactly how this information is delivered in a professional manner.  

You’ll also get practice:

  • Onboarding new clients
  • Analyzing functional health screening tests 
  • Applying the results to a customized protocol
  • Re-testing and course correcting where needed

You’ll receive guidance and honest feedback from an experienced practitioner throughout this entire process, so you learn what you missed, or what you could’ve done better before wrapping things up with your final exams.

This level of hands-on practical experience simply doesn’t exist in the majority of other health coaching programs, which is why it’s so important to do your homework! The unfortunate reality is that many aspiring health coaches go for the least expensive training program they can find, only to realize they don’t feel prepared in the slightest to start taking on clients upon graduation. 

Which ultimately means, they struggle to make money!

Phase 3 | Graduate & Transform Lives

Finally, you’ll earn your FDN certification.

The best part is that after all your hard work, you’ll feel truly prepared to help your clients, no matter what health issues or symptoms they’re struggling with. 

We hear it from students all the time – that some cases may be harder than others, but no matter what they’re presented with, they feel like they can handle it. This is because they’re prepared with a timeless data-driven framework that works for *all* symptoms, regardless of condition or diagnosis. 

And to be clear, this is in stark comparison to other health coaching programs that focus on the basics of holistic health & whole foods nutrition. 

You need to go deeper if you’re wanting to build a successful freedom-filled health coaching business, and that’s what we teach our students.
THAT is how expert functional health coaches are born! 

Become an Expert Functional Health Coach!

We take great pride in our track record, our methodology & our certification program.

If you’re looking for a health coaching program that will give you direct access to ordering functional labs (even as an unlicensed practitioner), and teach you exactly how to analyze the results to get transformative results for your clients, then…

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) is the perfect fit for you.
Hop on the phone with an enrollment course advisor to learn more about the certification program and all it has to offer.

Try the FDN Program.

Sample 9 of our lessons for free. No credit card required.

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