5 Proven Tips for Getting and Keeping Clients as a Health Coach


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Struggling to get clients and wondering if it is really possible to make money as a health coach?

Here are five proven tips for getting and keeping clients as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) health coach.

1. Tell Everyone What You Do

Use social media, email, blogs, vlogs and word of mouth to tell everyone you know about what do, what you offer, and how you can help them. FDN health coaches have thousands of success stories to share including resolving health conditions that were once diagnosed as serious medical conditions.

2. Have a Purposeful Package To Sell

A health coach should know their client’s needs and offer the product/service that will address these needs. Using functional lab work, FDN health coaches identify healing opportunities and engage each client in a health building process using a natural, holistic approach, which continues to yield the highest level of positive clinical outcomes.

3. Get Out of Sales and Into Service

As a health coach, you are here to serve and help your clients achieve their goals. FDN health coaches focus on serving their clients with a belief that they can help in a positive and empowering way.

4. Know Your Target Market

Know your target market better than they know themselves. FDN health coaches work like detectives to get to know their clients and to identify the underlying causes of disease instead of treating symptoms. They have helped thousands of clients from around the world reach their best level of health.

5. Communicate and Educate Your Target Market

Health coaches need to understand, communicate and educate their target market. FDN health coaches are as committed to restoring health as they are to supporting self-care through client education.

Of course with the training and skills of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, you will never run out of potential clients because FDN health coaches are the most successful in the world of health and wellness.

And that’s it for this week’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Vlog of the Week. Isn’t it time you help your clients on a deeper level?


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