Busting the Myths About Cholesterol

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There are many forms of heart disease. However, atherosclerosis causes the most concerns. Those with atherosclerosis experience hardened arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart. Scar tissue created when the body repairs damage to cells in the arterial lining causes atherosclerosis to occur. The scar tissue may also rupture. If this happens, blood clots […]

Dangerous Drugs In Our Water

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Did you know that every time your clients take a drink of tap water, they’re taking drugs? And It’s far more than just fluoride and chlorine that they are consuming. A recent study has shown that there is widespread contamination in municipal water supplies caused by common pharmaceuticals. Not just floating around in the reservoirs, […]

The #1 Missing Link in your Health Coaching Practice: Mastering Metabolic Chaos®

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“We need 50,000 – 75,000 new health coaches in the next few years.”–Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD Dr. Jaffe, a physician who spent the early years of his practice debunking holistic healthcare, is now one of its leading advocates and practitioners. He issued the clarion call for more health coaches in part because most conventional medical […]

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

The Dangers of B12 Deficiency

As a functional health coach, one of the things that often factors into the health issues that clients face are nutrient deficiencies. As the consumption of packaged and processed foods has increased, and unprocessed, whole foods decreased, nutrient deficiencies have become more widespread due to the lack of proper nutrients that are typically found in […]

Why You Need to Get Off of the Couch and Get Moving

Why You Need to Get Off of the Couch and Get Moving

How often do you get up off of the couch and get moving? We often hear about how important it is to exercise our bodies regularly, and yet most people live sedentary lives and get very little exercise each day.   Technological advances have made it much easier for us to perpetuate a sedentary lifestyle.  We […]

The Dangers of Drinking Tap Water

The Daners of Drinking Tap Water

The Shameful Facts Within the past century, the extensive use of chemicals in agriculture and big industry has polluted every source of water on the planet. Traces of toxic synthetic chemicals can even be found in polar icecaps and the Arctic Ocean. Despite our intelligence, we’re literally destroying our supply of the two most essential […]