Be Part of a National Society of Health Coaches

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An estimated 86% of the nation’s $2.7 trillion annual health care costs are spent on chronic and mental health conditions. With those statistics it’s no wonder as to why Health Coaching has grown into a $6 billion service market, with an estimated 100,000 Health Coaches working with clients to change lifestyle habits and help improve […]

Chewing: A Simple Tool For Digestive Health

Do you ever ask your clients this simple question…  ”How well do you chew your food when you eat?”   Most people don’t think about chewing, and yet how well you chew your food plays a fundamental role on the effects of both daily and long-term health.  It is one simple act that you and your […]

The Most Essential Antioxidant Every Health Coach Should Know

There is one antioxidant that has become a focus in the health world over the past few years and yet many health professionals still remain unaware of its power in helping to restore health. As a health coach or health professional, you need to know about this important antioxidant, Glutathione. Helping your clients boost glutathione […]

The Future of Health Coaching Jobs

Today more than ever, healthcare is in crisis!  With the massive rise in chronic disease, escalating medical costs, and conventional medicine’s limitations; the demand for Health Coaches and Health Counselors is skyrocketing. Functional Health Coaches are leading the movement towards holistic wellness, making it a lucrative career with opportunities including working independently, working in groups and […]

8 Signs Your Client Has Food Sensitivities

Have you noticed these 8 signs of food sensitivities? You have been working with a client for a while. You’ve helped them to transition to a healthier way of eating, and they are eating the right balance of macronutrients for their body. And while they are feeling a little better than they did when they begin […]

Hidden Causes of Client Thyroid Issue

As Health Coaches, we so commonly work with clients suffering from symptoms related to thyroid issues: chronic fatigue, feeling cold all the time, constipation, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss. Some come to us with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism and some simply suspect it. They hope thyroid replacement hormone can solve all of their problems. […]