The Connection Between Liver and Thyroid Disorder

The Connection Between Liver and Thyroid Disorder

If you read What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Thyroid Disorder, then you know that classic thyroid symptoms such as weight gain, cold hands and feet, low energy and fatigue, dry skin, brain fog, poor memory, depression, hair loss, and digestive issues might not be caused by the thyroid at all. While these symptoms […]

10 Signs You Have a Congested Liver

10 Signs You Have a Congested Liver

The amount of people who are struggling with decreased liver function growing, it is important to address the issue of having a congested liver. These days, it is hard to avoid toxins. They are in your food, the clothes you wear, your personal care products, the products you use to clean our home, throughout your […]

Functional Lab Testing: The Science Of Why

Functional Lab Testing The Science of Why

THE SCIENCE OF WHY Each of us has felt ill at some point and made a trip to the doctor. Every doctor is different, but for the most part, we’ve all had the same experience. The doctor will ask what is bothering you and what symptoms you are experiencing. He or she may run some […]

Is your Liver Clean and Lean?

Is Your Liver Clean and Lean

Think for a moment about the most important organs in your body. I bet the heart and lungs come to mind. Most believe that if these organs are healthy, then we are on track for good health. After all, when we visit the doctor, no matter what the reason, there are a few things that […]