15 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating!

15 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating FDN

Good health starts with a good diet of healthy foods. However, we rarely think of each bite as a decision about our health.  Did you realize that what you put into your body can influence whether or not you develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or a host of other health problems? Eating a whole, natural-foods diet […]

Improve Your Health By Eating More Mindfully

Improve Your Health by Eating More Mindfully

We are happy to feature this guest post by one of our own Certified FDN practitioners, Cate Ritter. She is going to share some great tips on how you can improve your health by eating more mindfully. Be sure to read more about Cate and where you can find her website at the end of […]

Healthy Summer Party Tips

Healthy Summer Party Tips

The summer party season is upon us! Impromptu pool parties with neighbors, and barbeques that are tradition with family and friends are fun, but they can sabotage your health efforts. Here are some healthy summer party tips so that you can enjoy, eat and still feel like a part of the party! You don’t need to […]

10 Healthy Travel Snack Ideas

10 Healthy Travel Snack Ideas

Summertime is here in the US, and with the hot summer months comes plenty of family vacations and travel, which can be a nightmare when it comes to eating healthy.  Many times, vacation time also means fast food and highly packaged and processed convenience foods that can leave you with indigestion and feeling poorly! And […]

How Big of an Issue are GMOs?

How Big of an Issue are GMOs

How much do you know about GMOs? GMO food crops have been making headlines for many years now, and as more and more countries ban these genetically modified crops and as more concern is raised as to the safety of these food crops, questions undoubtedly will come up when you talk with clients about food. […]

Why You Should Soak Nuts and Seeds

Why You Should Soak Nuts and Seeds FDN

Photo credit: Do you soak nuts and seeds before eating them, and why is that important? When a Functional Health Coach works with a client, one of thing things that is always a part of their health protocol is making necessary changes to their diet to allow their body to receive much needed nutrients […]