How to Choose The Best Health Coaching Certification Program

Have you noticed that we’re becoming increasingly health-conscious, collectively?

Healthy foods, products, and habits are all on the rise, compared to years past. [1] 👏

Which means greater demand for health coaches as people begin prioritizing their health. In fact the global field of health coaching has grown to be worth over 7 billion in recent years, and it shows no sign of slowing down!

There really couldn’t be a better time to start a career as a health coach. Especially as people move away from conventional medicine & embrace cash-pay models in record numbers, making it easier to grow your own online health coaching business.

Marketing for Health Coaches | How to Grow Your Practice Online

Marketing for Health Coaches: How to Grow Your Online Business After Graduating You did it!  You’ve completed your training, mastered the science, and are officially certified as a professional health coach. Now, you’re ready to enter the real world and start your online health coaching business.  Hooray! The only question is… where do you start? […]

Best Holistic Health Coach Certification

What Makes the Best Holistic Health Coach Certification? The top 3 reasons holistic health coaches joined FDN, even after graduating from other certification programs. Welcome holistic health warrior! If you’ve landed on this page, you probably fall into one of two categories:  The good news is that whichever category you fall into, you’re in just […]

How to Become a Functional Health Coach that Can Guarantee Results for Your Clients

How Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) Trains You to Become a Successful Functional Health Coach So, you’re interested in becoming a functional health coach. But, now what? A great first step is to find a health coaching program that feels right for you! If you’re anything like us over here at Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), you […]

Best Health Coaching Certification – Gold Standard (2023)

Best Health Coaching Certification: The “Gold Standard” + A Very Attractive Alternative (2023) So…you’re shopping around for a health coaching certification program?  Yessss – we get so excited when people decide to become health coaches! And we know your head is probably FULL of questions, right?!  Questions like: There are lots of factors at play […]

Top 5 Functional Health Tests for Health Coaches & Practitioners

functional health tests

Top 5 Functional Health Tests Everyone Can Benefit From. Whether it’s for yourself or your clients, getting to the bottom of unwanted health symptoms can be exhausting! Maybe you’ve tried: And still…the symptoms persist. Or, maybe you found some temporary relief — HALLELUJAH, Thank You God + Universe Buttttt…then the symptoms came back (siiigghhh).  Here […]