Health Coach Salaries + How to Make More.

how much can a health coach make

The Health Coaching industry is booming, and that means health coach salaries are too! According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 60% of adults in the United States have a chronic health condition1, and that number continues to rise.  So, how does this affect Health Coaches?  Health Coaches are uniquely positioned to help manage […]

How to Manage Compassion Fatigue As a Health Coach

how to manage compassion fatigue as a health coach

Do you know how to manage compassion fatigue as a health coach? Have you ever experienced a time as a coach when you found it challenging to feel empathy or compassion for your clients? Maybe you even began to feel anger towards your clients and their health issues or even felt like withdrawing. You may […]

How to Build Your Health Coaching Network

health coaching network

Setting up your Health Coaching business and being your own boss is very gratifying. Whether you work 1 on 1 with clients, run group Health Coaching classes, or have a virtual Health Coaching program, your freelance Health Coaching opportunities are endless. Attracting clients is key to the success of any self-employed Health Coach. Having a […]