Stop Calling It Adrenal Fatigue-Call it HPA Axis Dysfunction

Stop Calling It Adrenal Fatigue Call it HPA Axis Dysfunction

Today’s post is a guest post from Linda Wilbert-Stewart, HHP, HC and FDN-P.  Most people recognize the term adrenal fatigue, as it has become more recognized in natural health circles. But that term doesn’t exactly address the full scope of the dysfunction that is happening within the body. When you deal with what is now […]

HPA Axis Dysfunction: More than Adrenal Fatigue

HPA Axis Dysfunction More than Adrenal Fatigue

For most people, life is busy. In fact it is often too busy for many. At work and at home, people find themselves dealing with seemingly endless obligations, projects, tasks and chores that all need attention.  They are subjected to frequent stimulation from smart phones, tablets, laptops, mp3 players and televisions which cause overload. There […]