Stop Calling It Adrenal Fatigue-Call it HPA Axis Dysfunction

Stop Calling It Adrenal Fatigue Call it HPA Axis Dysfunction

Today’s post is a guest post from Linda Wilbert-Stewart, HHP, HC and FDN-P.  Most people recognize the term adrenal fatigue, as it has become more recognized in natural health circles. But that term doesn’t exactly address the full scope of the dysfunction that is happening within the body. When you deal with what is now […]

Adrenal Fatigue: Whipping a Tired Body

Adrenal Fatigue Whipping a Tired Body FDN

Due to the fast paced and convenience driven lifestyle that has become so common, few of us are as healthy as we think. In a world where nearly everyone is run down, it’s easy to accept as normal. But in reality, this is a compromised state of health that deprives you of a much better […]