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Demystifying LPS Targeting Microbial Lipopolysaccharides to Quench the Fire Within

Discussion Topics Include:
  • Environments where LPS flourishes
  • Health concerns in which LPS plays a role
  • What happens when LPS accumulates over a lifetime
  • The relationship between microbiome health and LPS
  • Protocols for quenching the systemic fire initiated by LPS

A Functional and Holistic Approach To Lyme Disease

Discussion Topics Include:
  • How common is Lyme Disease?
  • What are the acute and chronic presenting symptoms of Lyme and tick-borne co-infections.
  • How to know when and how to test.
  • Learn the difference between conventional approaches and holistic treatment approaches.
Leah Brueggemann

Harnessing the Power of Cycle Syncing and Menstrual Awareness for Optimal Health

Discussion Topics Include:


  • What is cycle syncing
  • How do you leverage your menstrual cycle for optimal health
  • How to use minerals to optimize your hormones


The Hidden Root Causes Of Inflammation And The Steps To Resolving Them For Good

The Hidden Root Causes Of Inflammation And The Steps To Resolving Them For Good

Discussion Topics Include:
  • bulletproof your environment
  • eliminate environmental anti-inflammatory contagions
  • determine which root causes could be affecting you personally
  • understand which modalities could help you resolve your symptoms for good
Clearing the Air on Mold & Mycotoxins​ Jason Earle

Clearing the Air on Mold & Mycotoxins

Discussion Topics Include:
  • How coaching your clients to optimize their home environment can improve outcomes, boost your practice, and transform lives
  • The questions you should always ask a new client, or one presenting with a new health challenge
  • The emerging science on what’s actually making people sick
  • How mycotoxin panels and ERMI can be problematic
  • How to make sense of mold tests
Boris Berjan of Theia

How To Leverage Real-Time Biodata (CGM) Insights To Earn More, Save Time & Get Better Client Results

Discussion Topics Include:
  • Make your client results even better with CGM
  • Getting insights you have never had before
  • Learn all the ways you can earn more, save more time on your business AND get better client results!
HSU - Debra Atkinson - Menopause

Navigating Menopause with Optimal Muscle, Bone and Brain Health for Aging that Rocks (not a chair)

Discussion Topics Include:
  • What physiology of menopause + physiology of exercise = for optimal women’s exercise Rx
  • Review gaps in exercise guidelines, position statements, & widely-accepted practices
  • Recognize hormonal imbalances requiring exercise prescription change
  • 3 Exercise-Based hormone balancing strategies
Navigating Trauma’s Impact on Health as a Modern Nutritionist
Discussion Topics Include:
  • The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the body
  • Measuring the impact of trauma on our clients
  • The difference between stress and trauma
  • Recommended assessments for recognizing stored trauma
  • Where to start as a modern nutritionist
Is Mold Behind Your Tough Gut Cases?
Discussion Topics Include:
  • Identify possible mold symptoms and exposure in your clients
  • Understand how mold affects the body
  • Understand the framework of mold recovery
  • Learn about mold labs
  • Learn gut protocols during mold illness
How to use a Holistic Mindset to Become a Health Industry Leader
Approaches for Improving Myelin Repair and Reducing Symptoms in MS/ Neuroimmune Patients
Discussion Topics Include:
  • Microglia reactivity in MS and neuroimmune conditions accelerates myelin damage and progression of disability.
  • Diet and lifestyle factors to address microglia reactivity have been identified and will be discussed.
  • Behavioural factors that influence remyelination have been identified and will be discussed.
  • Patient and family success with adopting recommended behaviour changes can be enhanced via the Wahls Behaviour Change™️ process.
The Enigma of the GFD-Reduced Symptomatology and Increased Mortality
Discussion Topics Include:
  • Developing a more comprehensive overview of wheat-related disorders
  • Understanding the mechanisms of compromising immune function on a GFD
  • Understanding the causes of reduced (long-term) QOL and increased mortality after diagnosis
  • Recognizing the frequency of detrimental impact on the epithelial lining of the GI Tract with a wheat-related disorder
Unlock the Secrets of Functional Medicine For Pets And Discover Why Conventional Approaches Are Falling Short
Discussion Topics Include:
  • The current vet care landscape
  • Dive into the basic concepts of functional medicine and discover how to apply them to dogs and cats
  • Get a glimpse into the future of pet care, and learn how to revolutionize the way you care for your and your clients’ furry companions
The Benefits of Glucose and Ketone Testing for the Patient, Practitioner, and Society
Discussion Topics Include:
  • Why glucose and ketone testing are vital to establishing and maintaining metabolic health, not only for the patient, and the practitioner but for society as a whole.
  • How to easily create a path to metabolic health by dialing in nutrition choices, utilizing the map and compass model.
  • How data-driven technology can help practitioners and coaches achieve greater adherence to therapeutic carbohydrate restriction, resulting in improved health outcomes.
Metabolic Health is Wealth
Discussion Topics Include:
  • Define 2 contributors to poor metabolic health
  • Explain how lifestyle impacts insulin sensitivity
  • Identify key ways to improve metabolic health proactively
Tapping Into The Innate Intelligence With Ketosis
Discussion Topics Include:
  • How ketosis works at the cellular level
  • The power of using ancient healing strategies
  • The importance of Vitamin G (gratitude)
  • How to find hidden opportunities for healing