About Us

We’re a group of elite health professionals, highly skilled at uncovering healing opportunities for you that no one else has been able to identify. Using cutting-edge functional lab testing, we’ll help you discover the hidden causes of your chronic health concerns.


Since 2000, we’ve helped over 10,000 people get well and stay well, naturally.


We don’t guess, we test, by using high-level lab data interpretation methods that find the precise underlying cause of your symptoms..


Traditional medicine masks symptoms. We help you reverse them, by finding the hidden stressors in your body.

Did You Know?

We have been training health coaches longer than any other program? Check out our origin story here: 

The Perfect Complement™ to Medical Treatment

If you have a serious medical diagnosis or are under the care of a physician for medical treatment, you can still come to us for help. Our general principles of natural health-building serve as a grounding program during any medical crisis, and can often reduce the need for medication and surgery.  

FDN® is considered by many physicians to be the Perfect Complement™ to evidence-based medicine.

“As long as the progress of the stress cascade is not so compressed that our observations cannot be capitalized on, our method will always improve the health of our clients” ~ Reed

Our Advisory Team

At FDNthrive®, you have an entire team working on your case. Our advisory board has decades of combined Functional Nutrition experience, provides expert counsel on the issues that matter to you, and is passionate about leading the community of FDNthrive® professionals. 


Reed Davis


Dr. Alan Weinstein


Dr. Sandeep Gupta


Dr. Lori Valentine Rose


Dr. Thomas Polucki

Our Mission

The Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® program has been producing elite health coaches since 2008. We’re the oldest health coaching program in the industry, and that experience shows in the quality of our practitioners.  When you choose FDN®, you know exactly what you’re getting.  

Meet the Team

Reed Davis

Founder & CEO
A triple board-certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Reed is also a Nutritional Therapist (CNT), an ANWCB Health Coach and a well-known expert in functional lab testing. He’s the founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and the FDN Certification Course, which currently has over 3,000 graduates in 50 countries.

Brandy Buskow

Managing Director
Brandy has been a certified FDN practitioner and member of the FDN® team since 2014. She’s devoted to helping new practitioners successfully guide clients on their paths to get well and stay well naturally.

Jo Pate

Program Director
Jo came to FDNthrive® as an entrepreneur, has been a certified FDN® practitioner since 2018, and a member of the FDNthrive® team since 2020. She uses her dual expertise to provide new practitioners the tools to succeed on both client and business platforms.

Evan Transue

The Health Dectective Podcast Host
A certified FDN Practitioner® since 2017, Evan became a whole-hearted devotee after the program helped both him and his mother find relief from their 13-year struggle with chronic illness. His personal experience has made him fully dedicated to sharing this transformative philosophy with as many people as possible.

It's time to take care of you!

Whether tending to the needs of loved ones or achieving professional goals, it’s difficult to put forth your best effort when you’re exhausted and overwhelmed. Chronic issues–digestive, hormonal, or glandular—can leave you feeling discouraged and incapable, and even negatively impact the way you look.

Our FDNthrive® practitioners have seen it all. We know that dysfunction comes from imbalance, and we have the tools to teach you how to reverse most of your symptoms. And once you’ve achieved natural, sustainable wellness and feel and look your best, you can focus on the people and things around you with new energy and clarity.


Take this quick, confidential survey to see if we can help you get well and stay well, naturally.

(We promise it’s worth every second!)