Beyond the Thyroid: Hidden Causes of Hypothyroidism

As FDN practitioners, we so commonly work with clients suffering from symptoms related to thyroid issues: chronic fatigue, feeling cold all the time, constipation, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss. Some come to us with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Some suspect it. They hope that thyroid replacement hormone can solve all of their problems. Or […]
How the Keto Diet May Harm the Thyroid

Over the past few years the ketogenic diet has become all the rage. The ketogenic, or keto diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. It typically limits carbohydrate intake to 30-50 grams a day. Carbohydrates break down during the digestive process into glucose to be used as fuel. But with such […]
A Thyroid Problem in the Liver? FDN Takes a Holistic Approach to Thyroid Health

Treating thyroid problems can be like sleuthing a medical mystery. Hormones are prescribed, but the client keeps returning with new complaints and still tired. The Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® approach to whole-body balance is a better way to deal with thyroid health because the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, the liver, and the gut are all involved in […]
12 Common Signs of Thyroid Dysfunction

According to the American Thyroid Association, an estimated 20 million Americans are currently struggling with some type of thyroid dysfunction. And more than half of those haven’t been diagnosed and are currently unaware that their thyroid is not functioning properly. Worldwide, as many as 200 million people struggle with thyroid dysfunction…and the problem is rapidly […]
The Connection Between Liver and Thyroid Disorder

If you read What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Thyroid Disorder, then you know that classic thyroid symptoms such as weight gain, cold hands and feet, low energy and fatigue, dry skin, brain fog, poor memory, depression, hair loss, and digestive issues might not be caused by the thyroid at all. While these symptoms […]
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Thyroid Disorder

Weight gain, cold hands and feet, low energy and fatigue, dry skin, brain fog, poor memory, depression, hair loss, and digestive issues are all classic symptoms of low thyroid output. How can it be that so many people with these very symptoms show no clinical signs of a thyroid disorder? Their lab results fall into […]