Busting the Myths About Cholesterol

There are many forms of heart disease. However, atherosclerosis causes the most concerns. Those with atherosclerosis experience hardened arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart. Scar tissue created when the body repairs damage to cells in the arterial lining causes atherosclerosis to occur. The scar tissue may also rupture. If this happens, blood clots […]
Interview with the Naughty Nutritionist….Kaayla T Daniel, PhD!

Reed recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Kaayla T. Daniel to talk about everything from bacon to libido. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD is known as The Naughty Nutritionist® because she “tells the truth that’s too hot to handle.” Kaayla is coauthor of the bestselling book Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the […]