Demystifying LPS Targeting Microbial Lipopolysaccharides to Quench the Fire Within

Presenters: Reed Davis + Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Date: June 1, 2024 Time: 8:30a PT/ 11:30 ET

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Discussion Topics Include:

  • Environments where LPS flourishes
  • Health concerns in which LPS plays a role
  • What happens when LPS accumulates over a lifetime
  • The relationship between microbiome health and LPS
  • Protocols for quenching the systemic fire initiated by LPS

About the Presenters

Reed Davis

Reed Davis is a Double Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and a popular expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine.  He is the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and the FDN Certification Course with over 4000 graduates in 50 countries. Reed was the Health Director at a Wellness Center in Southern California for over 10 years and with over 10,000 clients is known as one of the most experienced clinicians in his field. Reed serves as an advisor to the Board of American Natural Wellness Coaches Board and the American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches.  He lives in the US and when not teaching the FDN Certification Course and helping his graduates build their practices, he is usually found landscaping his property or riding motorcycles.

Dr. Tom O'Bryan

When it comes to getting healthy, Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s goal for you is ‘Making It Easy To Do the Right Thing’. As an internationally recognized, admired and compassionate speaker focusing on food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Tom’s audiences discover that it is through a clear understanding of how you got to where you are, that you and your Dr. can figure out what it will take to get you well.

Dr. O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway towards better health. He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases. Dr. O’Bryan’s most recent book, You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You’ve Ever Had, was published through Rodale Books to global accolades and ranked #1 in several brain categories on This best seller offers a step-by-step approach to better cognitive function, from nutrition to environment to toxicity, ultimately creating better long-term memory and a sharper mind.

Dr. O’Bryan released Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You, an investigation into why our immune system, designed to protect us, begins attacking our own tissue (autoimmunity). Currently, over 500,000 people worldwide have watched the Docuseries.
His ground-breaking book, winner of the National Book Award, The Autoimmune Fix outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives the tools to identify our disease process years before the symptoms are obvious and how to turn your health around, one step at a time.
He is the founder of and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit -A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on the gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages. You can find this info at

The Health Space Unmasked
with Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Demystifying LPS Targeting Microbial Lipopolysaccharides to Quench the Fire Within

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