Hey, Forever Student! You soak up information like a sponge. Your desire to always be learning and ever-evolving is your edge as a health coach. Your curious nature will help you not only work well with clients, but get results as you continue to grow as an expert in your industry.
Now that you know what’s going to make you shine as a health coach… you might be wondering who the heck we really are, anyway?
Great question!
We’re FDN (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition) and we’ve helped over 4,000 people (just like you!) leverage the power of functional testing to get better results for their health coaching clients.
Whether you already have a health coaching business, or you’re looking to start one, we can help! FDN graduates get exclusive access to ordering functional tests for their clients (even if you’re not licensed), and we teach you everything you need to know to launch a thriving online wellness practice.
Check your inbox to learn more about us and how we can help you grow an online wellness practice.